Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31st. 2012

Remembering Kinzu brings back memories. A poor but happy community which
had the giveaway as the cement that kept it working. Usually When a
known need popped up. Remeber the giveaway benefits everyone not just
the person receiving. When community works it's not the rich supporting
the poor but everyone helping each other.

Big Tree 3/31/2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mar. 26th. 2012

Begin and end each day with a thanksgiving prayer. Begin each season with thank you and blessing for Mother Earth. Give thanks in ceremony at each planting and harvesting. Celebrate each new moon as a time of renewal both for the people and all our relations. At the end of each period of mourning celebrate the continuation of life. These are the things the elders did when I was young. I still try to do them the best I can today. Remember that ceremony is a help in the journy we call life. Every ceremony is both a remembering of living and all our relations and a time of renewal for us two legged animals.

Big Tree 3/26/2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mar. 25th. 2012

the purpose of the drum is to make you aware of Mothers heartbeat, that you may accomplish things of the spirit. The purpose of the rattle is to stop unnecessary thoughts or to divert negative thoughts so you can focus on what is important. Big Tree 3/25/2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mar.22nd. 2012

Which type of prayer do you use? the negative which asks for help from Creator and then worries about anything and everything that can go wrong then wonder why things do go wrong. All the elders agree effective prayer is from the heart with a spirit of thanksgiving will bring the desired results. On the other hand if you worry and fret about the things that might go wrong with what your asking, that is what you are really asking for, the failure of your prayer. so that is what Great Mystery delivers to you.

Big Tree 3/22/12

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mar. 19th. 2012

I was taught by the same people as all the six nations. Taught that the whites who come in friendship are to be allowed to explore the white Roots of Peace. that all my relations means all life on this our Mother the Earth. I pass this on with my warning. Just because the Whites are still trying to steal our lands and our ways of life does not make all white/black/ yellow people bad.

Big Tree 3/19/2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mar. 18th. 2012

Seeking the light at least once a day. Saying later when you feel an urge to do evil. Doing good when you can. These things help you in your walk of life. These things make the red road good.

Big Tree 3/18/2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It takes far more courage to take a stand for peace or justice then it does to fight in battles as a warrior. It takes more because you stand alone. Because you stand for those who can't stand or speak for them self. You stand for ideas that are far from what you hear everyday by your peers. You have to walk your talk instead of just mouthing something you don't really believe. You have to expect attacks on you from those you care about the most.

Big Tree 3/14/12

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12th. 2012

You and I are responsible for the treatment of Mother Earth, the treatment of the one legged, four legged, finned, crawling and even the invisible ones. We are responsible not just for responding to the sickness we see, no we are responsible for preventing trouble also. Remember at one time that was the job of the Elders, the warrior society and the women's society. today that job falls on all of us.

Big Tree 3/12/2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10th. 2012

A Earthkeeper has to serve all of my relations. When ever you see injustice, illness or injury you have to speak out, help the hurt to heal them self and above all never turn your back on anyone or anything. Nor condemn those who's footsteps you have not walked in.

Big Tree 3/10/2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7th. 2012

As the Spring Solstice comes up on the 20th. Earhkeepers will once again hold public ceremonies. This is one of the few times when Earthkeepers stand with those who are not in healing ceremony of Mother Earth and all her Children.
I used to fast for four days before conducting the ceremonies. Now due to heart disease and diabetes I can't fast even for a few hours. I used to stay u all night tending the sacred fire, giving voice to the failures of the previous three months and offering the herbs of the four directions in atonement for the two legged's failures. Then from midnight until sunrise offering the same herbs in recognition of the hopes of all Mothers Children being sent up as prayers. Then at sunrise greeting the Sun as we have always done. " Good morning Grandfather. Thank you for your light and warmth. Thank you for impregnating Mother that we her children might have life. Above all Grandfather thank you for providing a pale reminder of the far greater light beyond." Then facing South, we begin the ceremony. " Spirit of the South, Spirit of Love, Adulthood, and the time of growth. We the caretakers of this land ask that you come and aid in this our healing Ceremonies. Then we offer a gift of cornmeal or corn pollen to the spirit of the South." next we move to the Western side of the ceremony area. "Spirit of the west, spirit of the ancestors, spirit of wisdom and strength. We the caretakers of this land ask that you come and aid in healing of Mother and all her children." Then we offer again the gift of corn meal or corn pollen to the spirit of the West. Then we move to the North side of the ceremony ground. " Spirit of the North, Spirit of renewal and beginnings. Spirit of Healing we ask for your aide in healing Mother Earth and all her Children.' Then we give a offering of corn meal/corn pollen to the spirit of the North. Then we return to the Eastern side of the ceremony grounds. "Spirit of the East, Spirit of Vision, Spirit of Spirit of things to come, Spirit of the coming season, we ask your help in Healing Mother Earth and all her Children." then we give once again the gift of corn meal/corn pollen. Finally we move to the center of the Ceremony grounds. "Great Mystery/ Creator we ask you that you use us your Children to act as hollow reeds, hollow bones to send your healing light to Mother Earth and all Her Children. " The you stand in silence and allow the healing energy, light or whatever you call it to flow through you to Mother and all her children. Then you give a gift of corn meal/corn pollen to the Creator. Finish with the simple Aho or Amen and leave the ceremony area to partake of a breaking of bread/pot-latch with the other people attending. So goes the Spring Ceremony The next season finds you beginning in the West and finishing in the South. and so on.
Big Tree 3/7/2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mar. 6th. 2012

Live each day, each moment and each friendship as if they would be your last.
Act as if everything would come to a end unless you did something to prevent it.

Big Tree 3/6/2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mar. 4th. 2012

Was told by the elders when i retired from the Navy, you must now become a peacemaker for you have spent your life as a warrior. Also told by them that I must serve in any way I could every place I lived. Because any community I lived in was now my reservation.

Big Tree 3/4/2012