Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feb. 28th.

Do you spend time each day listening to all of nature? What about the cloud people or the winged ones? How about the standing people from the moss to the greatest tree? Or do you listen to the whispers of the four legged and the creeping and crawling? Do you listen to Mother Earth herself? All have lessons for living if you but listen.

Old Mary 1953

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Never forget to pray for those who ignore you, hate you or do harm to you for they act from ignorance.

Grandmother Smith and others in 1954

Friday, February 26, 2010


What is your purpose? Have you asked Great Mystery/ Creator/Grandfather? Each of us is different, so each has to ask for them self.
Big Tree 2/24/2010

Feb. 26th.

If you but listen you are given warning of danger, direction for growth and everything you need from within. Like Grandmother told me, be still and learn.

Big Tree 2/26/2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb. 25th.

Creator gives life from within. See Creator in everything but seek him within.

Big Tree 2/25/2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb. 23rd.

Learn and use the good parts of other cultures but never allow them to become more important then your own.

Several elders 1950's

Monday, February 22, 2010

Earth Keeper and who I am.

First that as Grandmothers brother. He passed on in 1956. Uncle Bob Filey was the traditional peace chief of the Seneca Nation and the voice of the traditionalist.
The name was and is given by the clan mother of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nation and nobody knows who among the clan will be chosen. Grandmother was the Clan mother until her death in 1962 and she bestowed the name on me, while Uncle Bob was still alive. Not because I was the next traditional chief of the Nation but because she said the day would come when I would speak out for and too the people everywhere. I did not use it until about seven years ago when a Cherokee elder asked me what my traditional name was and why I wasn't using it. He told me then it was time. The name goes back to the formation of the 5 nations at least a thousand years ago. It honors the person who created the federation. So the name is Degandeweda or Big Tree.
No I gave Audrey the head of the Earthkeeper society and the Bear Claw medicine which many have carried including me and Frank Fool's crow before me. It has been about 10,000 years since a woman carried the claw. David is still the representative of his grandfathers medicine and with Audrey will receive and become caretakers of Refuge and of both my Peacemaker job and the dream of building a native center here. Big Tree's job is Peacemaker and spokesperson for peace. The Earthkeepers at one time was so extensive that it had members in every village from one end of (S. America) to the other N. America) Turtle Island plus members in Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. A year ago it was down to myself and three other people until David and Audrey came along. They have built it back up to around fifty now. Yes Earth Keeper is a title and describes the function the holder carries in relation to his/her tribe and part of the Earth. They are also responsible for greeting the sun each day and working with the little people in tending to all the other life forms here on Mother. Hope this answers your questions.

Feb. 22nd.

More then once have elders told me to go listen to flowers or in one case a blade of grass, have you listened lately.

Big Tree 2/22/2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb. 21st.

This is the meaning of "All my Relations". That even the Rocks and dirt have life and must be asked before you can use them. That all life is sacred, and some have agreed to being used for the benefit of others, but all ways ask first and take only what you need. Always give a gift when you take something be it medicine food or shelter that the life you take may not be just used. A good rule of thumb is ask the first plant/deer or whatever and leave a gift for them then go take what you need from their relatives. Not all in any case but what you need.

Big Tree 2/21/2010

Feb. 20th.

Adapt but never forget where you came from.

Uncle Bob Big Tree 1954

Friday, February 19, 2010


Everyone has something wrong with them, be aware of this. However look for the good in everyone also. All people have worth, sometimes you have to look hard to find it. Remember that if Great Mystery sends someone to you, he/she has a reason.

Grandmother Smith 1952

Feb. 18th.

Learn to laugh, first at yourself, then at life situations and lastly at those who look down on you. In doing so you will find peace easier to attain.

Big Tree 2/18/2010


Even if you are full of fear, you can do what is required if you ask Creator/Great Mystery to show you what is needed and the strength to carry it out. Always go within and ask before acting then go ahead and do what is needed.

Big Tree 2/17/2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feb. 16th.

The women this year will be asked to bring all the tribes, nations and villages together. Not by political strength but by love and womens intuition will this be done. Never again will the game of politics trump working in harmony with each other.

Big Tree 2/16/2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feb. 15th.

If you connect with your inner self every morning and evening you will learn to enjoy life if you enjoy life others will enjoy you.

Big Tree 2/15/2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb. 14th.

We make life complex. What do we really need? What owns us? Get rid of the part that owns us. Enjoy the part that sustains us.

Big Tree 2/14/2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Seeing from the heart, something that doesn't sound that easy really is. Once you have gone to the place of peace within, it is a small matter to go beyond to seeing not with your eyes but with your being, knowing not with your brain but with your heart.

Big Tree 2/13/2010

Five questions

Who are you? Not just the name someone attached to you when you were born, but who do you think you are?
Where are you from? What things have happened that have made you who you are?
Why are you here? Why did you seek something from me or any other person? Also what is your purpose in life?
What are you doing about it? What are you doing about the first three questions?
How will what your doing affect the next seven generations. Will your actions be positive for the coming generations, negative or lost?

Friday, February 12, 2010


Remember always where you came from and teach your children these things also. Then learn everything good from the other peoples. In this way may you be a blessing to the people. Said to a very hurting little 11 year old boy she was trying to teach about the people.

Old Mary 1953


I had forgotten one of the elders took my out on a warm afternoon and told me to lie on the grass, look up and tell him what the cloud people were telling me. Another took me to a near by stream and asked me what the water people were telling me. Still another took me to the front yard and asked me what the flowers were telling me. Still another asked me what the crows were talking about. In every case it took me from most of the day to weeks before I could answer. What is nature telling you?

Big Tree 2/12/2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb. 10th.

Not only does the ground we stand upon consist of our ancestors it also makes the elements which will be our children's children. Treat Mother as sacred for from her do we come and to her do we return.

Big Tree 2/10/2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb. 9th.

No one is greater then Mother Earth and no one knows what changes she will pull to get us to understand we are her children not her masters. Sometimes she has to treat us like a dog treats fleas. Do you tend the garden or do you use from it without asking? Do you swim against the current or relax and go where it carries you?

Big Tree 2/9/2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb. 8th.

Never try to live another's life and never allow others to determine what you should do with your life. Ask the voice within what is best for you and enjoy what it tells you.

Big Tree 2/8/2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb. 7th.

Even in disagreement always maintain respect. Even if you battle or kill always maintain respect. Even if you can't understand always maintain respect. For if you maintain respect others will respect you. Show disrespect for anything and loose your own respect. Above all respect yourself. Never loose sight of who you are and never allow another to label you.

Various Elders from around the Seneca Nation during the 50's.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb. 6th

The giveaway was central to tribal life. Without the giveaway the elders could not perform their duty to teach the young. Without it the widow or orphen would be without. Without it the Chosen Chief could not oversee the carrying out of the council decisions. Without it the members of the warrior society would not be able to perform their duty to prevent trouble or deal with it. Without the giveaway the village, the tribe and the way of life would not have existed. Remember that as something positive about the people and our way of life.

Big Tree 2/6/2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Feb. 5th.

What have you done giveaway for? According to tradition, anyone who served you in some way was the recipient of a giveaway. The elder who taught the young people the traditions was supported by giveaway from the whole tribe. The Medicine person who healed a sickness or provided spiritual help or led a ceremony for the people received a giveaway in accordance with how valuable the recipients felt the service was and their ability to give. Someone who helped to tan, make weapons or gave some other service was also the recipient of a giveaway. As was those who had no more then a passing pleasant word to you. Those who danced in ceremony or stood in defense of the people also received a giveaway. Most important to the whole concept though was the sharing of good fortune, which often meant giving away of something of personal value or giving a feast for anyone who would come. It was often said of the true leaders of the people that they had the worst clothes, poorest lodge and least animals because they gave away the most. When and what have you done giveaway for and to whom recently?

Big Tree 2/5/2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb. 3rd.

The elders taught me, never rush into doing anything. Wait and make sure of your reason before you act. Then you will do right. Remember the outcome depends on Great Mystery

Big Tree 2/3/2010

Feb. 4th.

I just say Indian time, but it means waiting for every thing to be right before you do something. It means asking and then waiting for the go signal. It means some times acting spontaneously because you get a feeling something needs done. It even means having given up on seeing or doing something then have it happen through no effort of your own. It also means looking at what you want to do and why, before I want patience and I want it right now.

Big Tree 2/4/2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Most of the elders including myself have seen the horrors that can occur and the great things that can occur, what i have been saying to any who listen is that the choice though less now then even last year is ours. If we live in harmony with Mother and each other then most of the horrors do not happen. If we live in Discord with each other and Mother then we cause our own demise.


Grandmother taught me that everything happens when it's supposed to and for a reason. To wait and when the time is right act. To build the consensus for change slowly then bring it about quickly. That I try to do.

Big Tree 2/2/2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb. 1st.

You need to live your life. Not to what others think but to your own truths. You need to live not following some so called leader either religious or political but stand up for and follow your heart.

Big Tree 2/1/2010