Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mar. 31st.2011

You are a part of nature not above it or along side it. You do not command it but must live within it's rules. Only a fool buys the idea that we are exempt from natures laws.
Big Tree 3/31/2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mar.29th. 2011

Having been to the other world four times, I can tell you that we do continue to exist after death. That is both my observation and a scientific fact. Life is energy, you can not destroy energy only change it's state.
Big Tree 3/29/2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mart.28th. 2011

Learn to appreciate where you live. Enjoy it and find out how sacred it is.
Grandmother 1959

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mar. 25th. 2011

This is the time of great healing, however those who are high must be made low and those who are low will be made high.

Uncle Gust. 1961

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mar. 23rd. 2011

Grandmother and others taught me that emotions are what make you human. She said the only emotions needing control are anger and fear. She was very wise.
Big Tree 3/23/2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mar.22nd. 2011

Mankind makes everything so hard to understand. Mostly because of fears, what if's and greed. Everything becomes crystal clear when you go within, when you find the quiet voice that tells you all is well. Then you can go about living in harmony with others and Mother Earth.
Big Tree 3/22/2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mar.21st. 2011

Have you asked Creator each day what your purpose and your relationship to others is? Without this you can not see or walk your path.
Big Tree 3/21/2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mar. 20th. 2011

It's not the laws that makes a person human it's the teachings. It's the example you set for the young. It's the learning to share your meal with someone hungry, it's helping someone without having to think about why. It's treating everyone with the respect you wish others would show you. It's finding a personal relationship not with some God but with your own soul. For only then do you really have connection with Creator/Great Mystery. The teachings are a tool for elders to pass wisdom to those who follow.
Big Tree 3/20/2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mar. 17th. 2011

Listen not top the voice in your heart and not that in your head. For the head is mostly noise and the heart is true.
Grandmother 1952

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mar.16th. 2011

To realize that you are no more important then the other is the meaning of no one can give a greater gift then to lay down their life for another.

Uncle Bob 1953

My vision

Carry this message to all people every where. We are not supposed to be destroying Great Mystery/Creators Creation our Mother the Earth, we are supposed to be caretakers of her and of all our relations including each other. Together we can destroy this cancer upon the Earth caused by greed and mine. What is supposed to be thought of as mine is the connection of love for family, mates and children. What is supposed to be mine is the completion of each day in satisfaction that you have lived the day in harmony with each other and nature. What is supposed to be mine is the giveaway. Thus I now giveaway this to my brothers. Take up the warriors way. Protect the weak and sick. Defend the women and children. Care for the old and infirm. Feed your neighbor and make relatives of the stranger.

For the women I ask this. Heal the sick and allow those who are weak to lean on you. Give the joy of life and listen to and share the wisdom of the aged. Care for the men and children the old and infirm for they are weaker then you. Make and share your bread with all who's path you cross, for they are your neighbor and relative. Tend our mother the Earth and all her other children with reverence for that was our original purpose.

If I do nothing else let this my vision begin with each of you. It's not mine to carry out, just mine to share and watch grow.

Robert N. Smith
Big Tree Peacemaker

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mar. 15th. 2011

Grandmother taught me very well. Look after the sick, take care of the poor and live your life as a opportunity to serve. Religion was never mentioned as her religion was a way of life and not a religion at all. She was available to deliver babies, treat illness, teach young people about life and offer prayers to Great Mystery on behalf of everyone in the community. She was a stern judge but fair, she spoke out against injustice, greed and indifference all the time.
She was a great role model and very traditional, unlike many religious leaders before and after her.
Big Tree 3/15/2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mar. 12th. 2011

Every mistake is a chance to learn, every mistake is a opportunity to grow.
Grandmother 1952

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mar. 11th. 2011

The medicine wheel has great power. To properly use it, you have to become the wheel.
Big Tree 3/11/2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mar. 9th. 2011

The only thing Grandmother and the other elders ever did in excess was the give away. That was because they saw peoples problems and had to act in order to ease them. After all if we did not take care of each other who would. The greatest thing we had to give away was our commitment to taking care of each other. The one lesson most needed in the world today.
Big Tree 3/9/2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mar. 5th. 2011

I have been told by the elders that my people are all people and my place is to serve the people where I find myself. To this I have remained true all my life.
Big Tree 3/5/2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mar. 3rd. 2011

Grandmother told me "Learn what you can from the whites but never forget where you come from and the stuff we have taught you."
Big Tree 3/3/2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mar. 2nd. 2011

When I left the Baptist Church I was raised in I told the paster in front of everyone. You are against everything in one form or another. However you never say what you are for, because you seem to be for control of people instead of promoting what Jesus said. It reminds me of why the Seneca rejected the Christian religion in the first place. Your words and actions are not the same. Why Grandmother said learn what is good from each religion but remember none have all truth or all answers, not even ours. Try to stand for what you believe even if it makes others hate you.
Big Tree 3/2/2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mar. 1st. 2011

The body must be cleansed before you can do anything spiritual. The mind must also more so of fear and hatred.
Big Tree 3/1/2011