Friday, December 31, 2010

Dec. 31st.

Take time to listen to your inner voice and you will know what to do each day.
Big Tree 12/31/2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Evil is caused by one of three things, each is manmade and each is unnecessary. The First cause of evil is Greed. The second cause of evil is fear. The only other cause of evil is using religion to control people which takes you back to number one. Evil is never from the devil or Creator!
Big Tree 12/30/2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

DEc. 23rd.

What are your thoughts and feelings inside? They determine how beautiful or ugly you are not how you look or seem on the outside.

Grandmother 1952

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dec. 22nd.

It is the same spark of life flowing through you and the rock or tree. Learn to let it flow through you like a hollow bone to touch and aid Mother Earth and all her children no matter what is wrong with them. Give yourself as a channel of help for your fellow creatures.
Frank Fools Crow 1955

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dec. 19th.

Always swim downstream in life. To stay where you are takes too much energy and to go back upstream is not possible.

Grandmother 1952

Friday, December 17, 2010

dEC. 17TH.

A call like the one previous by Degandaweda for peace and cooperation between all people. Will you answer this call? If not EXAMINE YOUR BASIS AS UNREASONABLE FEAR.

Big Tree 12/17/2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dec. 15th.

I was taught we are to be caretakers for the 4 legged, winged, finned, standing, stone, crawling and invisible peoples. We came here to serve not to exploit. Use only what you need with permission and give something in return.
Big Tree 12/15/2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dec. 14th. Meditation

Neither man nor woman is superior, each has a purpose and gifts. share that purpose and gifts with the other, honor the other in yourself and learn from the other that you might become what you were intended.
Big Tree 12/14/2010

Dec. 14th.

" Love all of God's creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it.
Love every leaf, every ray of God's light.
Love the animals, love the plants, love everything.
If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery of things." Dostoyevsky

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec. 13th.

When you choose to serve others you can't pick a better or worse, each coming to you is special and deserves to be treated that way.
Big Tree 12/13/2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Landis List

In this land of plenty (and excess), there is no justification for leaving any person without food, shelter, or medical care. The Command is to love one another; it's unconditional, no excuses, no exceptions. Those who miss ( or choose to ignore) that message will always be "at war" with someone about something.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dec. 10th.

Each of us has a purpose. Mostly to help others to grow and live in this time of change.

Big Tree 12/10/2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dec. 9th.

Look at Nature it has many lessons on how to live. Watch the animals, they can teach about need versus desire. Look to the birds they teach about many things but mostly about joy and living in harmony with your environment. All of nature teaches more then mans teaching if you just seek.
Big Tree 12/09/2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dec. 8th.

I always listen and learn from the women even if I don't show it.
Uncle Bob 1953

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


With Creator/Great Mystery their are no emergencies, only situations to help you grow or to serve him better.
Big Tree 12/7/2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dec. 6th.

Everyone has a purpose. Follow it and everything works out. Ignore it or follow someone else's path and you suffer. Only time you suffer while doing what is asked of you is when you are asked to come back for a purpose.
Big Tree 12/6/2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dec. 5th.

Culture will survive only when we elders and the generations after them teach it to our young. Not just our young but any and all young who come to learn.
Big Tree 12/5/2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dec. 4th.

There are many full bloods who are not indian because they have not experienced it then their are many breeds who are indian because they live it. In between are many wannabe's.
Big Tree 12/4/2010

Friday, December 3, 2010


Watch the plants, birds and animals around you, if they are out of balance you probably are also.

Big Tree 12/3/2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dec. 2nd.

Remember that dreams are to guide us. Some show the paths before us and offer choise, however some show the past and demand we correct it or let it go. Creator always shows us what is our limits or what we need to do if we allow it.
Big Tree 12/2/2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dec. 1st.

Our dreams and feelings are our link to truth, spirit and goodness, always honor that in yourself.
Big Tree 12/1/10

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nov. 30th.

Will you be the voice for the four legged, the winged ones, the finned creatures, the creepy crawlers and the inadvisable ones? If not why not?

Big Tree 11/30/2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov. 29th.

Even modern science says you can not die. For life is energy and energy can only be transformed from one state to another. So life is truly a circle, from energy to energy always flowing.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Grandmother said only being forged in difficulty makes you a better or a bitter person, it's your chose.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


The Natural law is far better then man made religion which is more political then spiritual.
Big Tree 11/27/2010

Friday, November 26, 2010


Women stabilize and run the house and the family else us men couldn't hunt, fish or do important work like making money.

Uncle Bob 1952

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Nov. 22nd.

Connect with the land, water, people and the animals and other life in your area. Become one with them and learn about living.

Uncle Bob 1953


Mother Earth is home, parent and sustainer of all life as we know it. Respect and guard her always.

Big Tree 11/25/2010


Anything but respect and love and trust between is not of Great Mystery but of man.

Big Tree 11/25/2010

Friday, November 19, 2010


Only when the visions are shared with the people may the good visions be brought into being and the bad visions altered. Remember that and share your visions openly. not out of fear but out of service to your community.

Cornplanter 1953

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Grandmother told me long ago that if Creator would use you you had to get out of the way and allow the power to come through you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nov. 17th.

I agree, all of us need to stand for peace and truth, all of us need to become Hopi.

Big Tree 11/17/2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Peace and love should be the goal of all people. Not just in our personal life but in all things that touch our life.

Big Tree 11/16/2010

Monday, November 15, 2010


When ever you think about living and being part of the land you also have to include eating local. If your food stuff comes from within 25 miles of where you live, you are eating the optimal diet for you.

Big Tree 11/15/2010

Friday, November 12, 2010


The future is always about the next seven generations. We have to make sure the young are ready to replace us. That means teaching them even if the schools can't or won't.

Big Tree 11/12/2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nov. 11th.

Being one who never learned the language I feel disadvantaged. Everything was taught to me in English or through a interpreter. Not my fault, my parents wouldn't allow us kids to learn the language.

Big Tree 11/11/10

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Only when the classes contain traditional teachings, working together to achieve goals and both science and math will the schools make our young into warriors for our future.
Big Tree 11/10/2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nov. 9th.

Culture is important for everyone. Not the artificial culture of modern society but the far deeper culture of community, care and working together in harmony with Mother Earth and all our relations.

Unknown Elder 1954

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov. 8th.

Provide a example for your children rather then being one.

Big Tree 11/8/2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Men cleared the fields and aided in the harvest. They built the Longhouses for the women. They hunted and fished to provide part of the food. They taught the boys and girls from age six to thirteen. Women made the home livable. Planted and tended the gardens. Raised the crops and cooked the meals. They raised the children from birth to age six. Sharing respect for and caring for each other at all times.

Grandmother 1952

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Treat women with respect. They give birth to you and mourn you when you die. Else they will mourn your birth and celebrate you death.

Grandmother 1954

Friday, November 5, 2010


The healing of nations has to start soon. How about next June at the
Great Medicine wheel? That is where Black Elks vision focused. How many
women will gather on the Solstice to help make it happen?
Big Tree 11/4/2010


The ancestors are still available to you. All you have to do is listen deep within yourself.

Cornplanter 1953

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Both men and women are needed and equal. Unless you respect the differences and encourage both to take leadership positions we will continue to suffer. I ask the women to step up and bring all the nations together. Only by working in this way can we start to regain our rights as people and stop wars and other leadership disasters.

Big Tee 11/3/2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov. 2nd.

Opening up to receiving answers to prayer is the key to not trying but doing. Living as we are supposed to or failing in trying. Breath in through your nose for a count of four. Hold for a count of four. Breath out for a count of twelve through your lips. Repeat three or eleven more times then just listen. Or watch or wait for understanding. Everyone receive differently.

Big Tree 11/2/2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov. 1st.

Each of us has to change with the times. However changing your principles and turning your back on heritage is not something to do.
Big Tree 11/1/2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Living life under any circumstances is hard. To be successful requires daily practice at being the best you can be.

Big Tree 10/31/2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010


No going back to what was before, change is part of Great Mystery's creation. However keep the laws, customs and the best for the future. Build on the past instead of blindly following anyone. Create something good for your children and the next seven generations. Live not with the imperfect now, but with your vision of a perfect society. After all what are ideals but a star guiding the way.

Big Tree 10/30/2010

Friday, October 29, 2010


Mothers must start demanding better for the next seven generations.

Big Tree 10/29/2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct. 28th.

Creator/Great Mystery serves me well. A calm presence during life's storms. A flash of lightning when I ask for help and above all a all knowing all caring ever changing and ever the same force beyond the ability of any man to understand or know fully.
Big Tree 10/28/2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Do you respect all things and all people if not you live outside of Creators law. If you look down on another life form or another person you stand and accuse self before Creator/Great Mystery.

Big Tree 10/27/2010


War is the cancer of civilization. It destroys all the good and amplifies the evil. Np wonder the powers that be have to kill the peacemakers such as Jesus or Gandhi or Martin Luther King then cover up the murder in some fashion.

Robert N. Smith USN RET & Peacemaker

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oct. 25th.

I have noticed the loud, long and bombastic prayers are for public consumption instead of addressed to Creator. The Fearful prayers are by those who don't have a personal connection. Good prayer is simple, honest, decisive in it's outlook and released with a simple thank you.
Big Tree 10/25/2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Celebration

On the 6th of November friends from Knoxville, Greene County and other's
expect to come here for a work day. That is fine, however such a
gathering has to have more purpose then just a work day. As many know I
dislike the celebration of the Traditional Thanksgiving because of the
racist and murderous activities of the pilgrims who killed off indians,
hung the chiefs head on their flag pole for fifty years and sold his
family into slavery. Only then did they ever issue a proclamation of
Thanksgiving. Our people on the other hand had as few as four
Thanksgivings a year to as many as twenty depending on the tribe. What
better time to hold a Thanksgiving then when friends gather to help
someone, what better time to hold a Thanksgiving then at the end of a
great growing season? What better time to hold a Thanksgiving with song,
stories and teachings (though we called it a pow wow) then when friends
gather? Thus I ask everyone to bring a covered dish to share, something
that has meaning to give away to glue the happiness for everyone and
their joining together into something more then just another day or just
helping someone out. Let it be a day of shared activity, shared joy and
shared more.

So right now, I will proclaim A Thanksgiving on Refuge on Nov. 6th.
Ask your friends and bring the elders, as well as the young.

Big Tree

Oct. 24th.

Evil comes from withdrawal. Withdrawal leads to fear. Fear comes from self other. instead of self and another. Much that you fear in others is your own refusal to see self in them.

Big Tree 10/247/2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010


From my experience on the other side (4 times now) Great Mystery resides within your heart. So you can not be alone. Then when your time is over gently removes your spirt from the shell that you can and do become more.

Big Tree 10/23/2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Oct. 22nd.

Growth and change are always hard. Ask the butterfly waiting for his wings to dry after struggling out of the caccoon.

Big Tree 10/22/2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Remember their is but one Great Mystery. A force greater and more wise then any of us. It's part of you and part of everyone and everything. Where Great Mystery is not is where you choose.

Big Tree 10/21/10

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I was taught early on that the teachings are for all. I was taught that when someone came to learn I was to share. I was taught early on that my job was to be a hollow reed. Giving of myself more then anything.

Big Tree 10/19/2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oct. 18th.

Our ancestors wisdom was hard won, we have to respect, adapt it and make it work in today's world.

Big Tree 10/18/2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct. 17th.

Only when each of us is worshiping not a human God but a power and intelligence beyond any of us, will we as a species advance. Only when we go within will we grow.

Uncle Gus 1954

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oct. 16th.

I was taught respect the best from every religion and adapt it. Leave the rest of it, because no one people, no one nation and no one religion have all the answers. With practice you can see the influence of man on religion instead of the other way around.

Big Tree 10/16/2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct. 15th. 2010

Like many of the elders taught me growing up, we can't go back. Learn and use the best of every culture, every educational opportunity and every chance to serve whatever community you find yourself in. Honor the elders and the one's who came before but build on what they gave us. The world doesn't stop and change is part of being in the world. Help direct that change for the next seven generations.

Big Tree 10/15/2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oct. 13th 2010

Prayer has to incorporate seeing the result in every aspect and the releasing it. You have to see the result, feel it, hear it and know it when you give the prayer. Then just go on with life knowing your prayer is answered even if you have to wait for the physical result. Remember in prayer the result is determined by your blueprint. Creator just fills it.

Big Tree 10/13/2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The mind is a chatterbox and always talking. Connect with the heart and know.

Big Tree 10/12/2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Unity is everyone in the family, village, county, state, nation or world working however they may for the good of all. Not for one group, one nation but for all mankind and for all life on including Mother Earth herself

Big Tree 10/10/2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Do you accept the words of others or do you seek Creator/Great Mystery for yourself. Do you use direct evidence or the teaching of others. we all are part of the whole, go within, go beyond and never allow religion to get in the way of knowing for yourself. That is the message you must take with you. Learn from the best each religion has to offer and go on with life.

A circle of many elders from many tribes in 1953

Friday, October 1, 2010


Even bad prophecies and bad visions can become good, that is the reason for the visions to serve as a warning. What will you do with your visions?

From a council of about 28 elders visiting Kinzua in 1953

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Express your emotions now then you will be a fresh slate for the next emotion to come. If you are joyful now, enjoy it for a night follows day you will feel pain in the future. If you feel love now express it for someday you will feel alone. If you feel sorrow now express it for day also follows night.

Big Tree 9/30/2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Only when you pray with all your senses from the heart are your prayers effective. Only when you give the prayer and then go on to other matters knowing your prayer has been heard may the creator answer.

One of the visiting elders at Kinzua from other tribes in 1953.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept. 28th.

Love or hate are both things you can leave behind. Anything else is mere transitory and soon forgotten or changed to suit the needs of those who follow you in life. If you leave love you will be revered and respected even to the seventh generation. If you leave hate it will destroy the next seven generations.

Big Tree 9/28/2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sept. 25th.

When you walk outside and look the rocks the trees even the water is alive and ready to give itself to fill your needs even as some day you will become new soil.

Uncle Gus 1954

Friday, September 24, 2010


Shun anything that lessons your ability to function as a full and capable human being. Shun even religion if it diminishes another human being or any other living thing.

Big Tree 9/24/2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Not everything from spirit is to be understood right then. Some times things are given for a future time or place.
Some things are literal, some are symbolic, we are not to judge until the time.
A group of elders in 1952.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Without values you may be doing all the right things for the wrong reasons. If so you undermine your deeds and are as nothing.

Big Tree 9/22/2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sept 21st.

From birth you have a path to follow, do so with resignation or with courage.

Unknown elder 1954

Monday, September 20, 2010

A direct connection to me I will see

This is a direct e-mail that doesn't get used for anything else.

My purpose

The last time I was dead I was met at the light by twenty six elders, thirteen men and thirteen women. This was the fourth time I went to the light. Every time before I came back to to something as I was this time. This time unlike the first time when I was just told your time has not yet come, your purpose not yet served. I was met not just by one person or being but by the council of elders. Some who's name I still don't know but others who I had heard of before. This included Degandaweda, Pontiac, Wallace Black Elk and some who I had not heard anything about. They asked me to come back and bring about a prophecy of the healing of nations. The vision of the planting of the tree and the giving of the words to bring all the native nations in the world together to teach peace and harmony to mankind.

I was shown once again the place it had to happen, and the fact that the women had to bring it into being. I was only to give the words to them that they might bring the people into a Confederacy like that formed by Degandaweda so long ago. I was also told to tell them to return to the making of relatives and that such was to be done for anyone no matter what the race or the religion of the people seeking to learn from the nations. That was not explained to me as to how because each nation had it's own ceremony. It was only given that the women were to be told the time of the rapes, killing of children and living us versus them had to end and the native peoples of N & S America with the Natives of Australia, New Zeland, Africa and Asia were the ones to start it. Thus will the sacred hoops of all nations be healed. I was also told that I would remain here on Earth to see this come into being.

My main problem is I can't drive far enough to get there. I don't have the money needed to buy gas and stay in motels or camp grounds enroute or on the way back and my wife drove off the people I saw helping me to do this. So I have given up on bringing this into being, someone else will have to do it. I do have the tree to plant to the North of the Great Medicine Wheel in the Black Hills, which is a child of the original Great Tree of Peace. I ask who among the people reading this will take my place?

Bob Smith (Big Tree Peacemaker)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 27th.

For those who disbelieve in spirits, remember that many people including me have gone to the other world and returned. Also that life itself is nothing but energy. You can not destroy energy, just convert it from one form to another. Thus death is just a time of energy conversion. No different from the conversion of a worm to a moth and operating on the same idea.

Big Tree 5/27/2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th.

Make your prayer real. See it, feel it, smell it, hear it, then let it go. The most important part of prayer is letting go so Creator/Great Mystery can bring it into being. If you hang on you are not trusting the power of your own creativity. For you are part of all that is. Time has no meaning in the realm of spirit, for as you think so it is.

Big Tree 5/24/2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A idea sent to me from England

I think this idea is great. I'll do it here, how about the rest of you?

Hi Bob.

What are the chances of getting people having a Memorial Day for the innocent victims of the wars.
A Remembrance Day in the USA for the Afghan and Iraqi Women and Children who died because of it.

I think this would have a far greater effect than protests.

Food for thought.


May 23rd.

I know many whites who are indian in spirit and many Indians who are as mean spirited and unloving as any white. which are you?

Big Tree 5/23/2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22nd.

When I was young Grandmother took me to the NY, PA border and said do you see any lines in the Earth here? Then she took me to the PA, Ohio border and asked me again, do you see any lines here? a few days later she took me out in a boat in Lake Erie and asked me if I saw any lines in the water. In every case I said no Grandmother. She said I have shown you man made lines. Lines that do not exist that we call borders, eliminate them one day.

Big Tree 5/22/2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21st.

Vision is like any dream, if you hold onto it, it becomes real. What is your vision? Is it worthy of speaking about or is it shameful? is it about strength, companionship and courage or do you hold weak, fearful and evil dreams in your heart?

Big Tree 5/21/2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20th.

The ceremonies are from our past and contain truths to be learned. However we also need new ceremonies to pass on to the next seven generations. Not just to make up ceremonies but to carry new wisdom to them from our times.

Big Tree 5/20/2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19th.

The morning greeting I was taught.
Good morning Grandfather. Thank you for your light and warmth. Thank you for impregnating Mother that we her children might have life. Above all Grandfather we thank you for giving us a pale reminder of the far greater light from which we all came.

Big Tree 5/19/2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18th.

When we live in harmony with Mother Earth everything goes smooth. When we live out of harmony, we get results like the Gulf Oil blowout. How do you live?

Big Tree 5/18/2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17th.

Can you take the wisdom and make something better from it? Can you find the spirit in yourself to lead in new directions, first yourself and then share with others?

Big Tree 5/17/2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16th.

If it's good, why wait, if it will serve the people why wait, if it makes you a better person why wait? Don't give us this when I get around to it noise, either it's good or it's not.

Big Tree 5/16/2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15th.

The female bears all life and as such needs to be held sacred.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13th.

Learn to find your place in nature. Remember you are part of the environment and a mammal like the deer, rabbits and even the dog.

Big Tree 5/13/2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12th.

Every stone, every tree and every waterway can teach you if you sit quietly and listen to what comes.. Some have sad stories but most have stories of wisdom and joy.

Big Tree 5/12/2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11th.

For every lesson spirit sends we should leave a offering of thanks. Be it tobacco, sage, sweetgrass, cedar or just what you have on your person. It's not what you give but why you give that is important.

Big Tree 5/11/2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10th.

Seek first the place of strength and calm, then all else is yours as needed.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9th.

Everything the Elders and the Spiritual leaders showed in life is available to each of you if you only go to your center or the center of the wheel and listen and watch within.

Many sources

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8th.

If you find yourself always at the wrong place at the wrong time, include spirit in your life so you might walk in beauty.

Old Mary 1950's

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7th.

Not too long ago every village in NA and most of SA had people who's only job was to care for Mother and all Mothers children including the two legged. We must return to that gold standard. We must remember that our purpose here is to be caretakers of Mother. Please join me in this job. There are very few of us left.

Big Tree 5/7/2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 5th.

Everyone has medicine, everyone has truth to share. It is time, for the visions have started to come true. All four colors have to become one. A rainbow of truth and love for each other. No more fear, no more greed and no more hiding. That I was shown the last time I crossed to the spirit world. I didn't want to come back, however the elders asked me to.

May 6th

It's not whats in books or in words that count, it's whats in your heart and in your spirit that makes you either on the path or not. You will know if your on the path or not by the way others react to you. If they react with hate either they or you are on the wrong path. If they react with spirit you know you are on the path. If a elder gives you advice you know you are on the path. If you see a vision question it. Remember visions are warnings, and can be changed. Or they are calls, and something to be worked for. Which vision have you been given?

Big Tree 5/6/2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4th.

Even the white science agrees that we continue after death. After all the conservation of matter says you can not destroy energy, just convert it from one state to another. I have walked on both sides this lifetime. Coming back only to accomplish purpose. Seek yours or you will have to come back and redo.

Big Tree 5/4/2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3rd.

Have you sat on a rock and seen or leaned against a tree and listened? Have you lain on Mother and felt the clouds or sat on a bank and learned from the water people? Have you listened to the forest people or the flying people and learned from what they had to say? Do so often for they are better teachers then all the school teachers on earth.

Big Tree 5/3/2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 1st.

Good morning Grandfather (Sun). thanks you for your light and warmth. Thank you for impregnating Mother (Earth) that we her children (no matter our species) might have life. Above all Grandfather we thank you for providing a dim representation of the far greater light beyond you.

As taught to me by the Earthkeepers.

May 2nd.

What do you choose to think about? Why, it's your choice!

Big Tree 5/2/2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

Apr. 30th.

It's not what you have but what you give that makes you good. It's not where you live but how that sets you apart. It's not who your ancestors are that says I am special but who will count you as a special ancestor.

Big Tree 4/30/2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Apr. 29th.

I was advised when I left home to join the Navy, "Get in the water, walk on the beach or sit on the ground every time you can. Only that way will you stay a people." I didn't understand then but I do now. Even in winter I have to at times go barefoot outside and allow Grandfather Sun to touch my bare skin.

Big Tree 4/29/2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Apr. 28th.

Have you watched the geese, the ants or the bees. they live in harmony and move when conditions call for it. They never go hungry nor lack a bed. Live then like that, part of community but part of nature also. Fill your purpose both within community and nature.. Then you will be in harmony. Cling not to property or things but to others, for in clinging to things you become property of things. Where is your community? Where do you find yourself and who needs you?

Grandmother Smith 1961

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Apr. 25th.

"When your in a state of meditation your mind touches the past, present and future. Your being holds the smallest energy particle and the largest sun within. You are part of God and all creation."

Uncle Gus Burgeson 1961

Apr. 27th.

As I was told by the elder earthkeepers, our job in the past was to bless the gardens, the waters and the animals that the people might have food. Further it was the job to at least twice a year send healing to Mother that all life might continue. Further it was the job of each of them to build and maintain a medicine wheel within the village that might be the sacred ground for ceremony and the balance between the other life forms and man. It also was the job of the earthkeepers to recommend when to move the village to and find a new site for the village that the present site might renew itself. Most of those duties were destroyed by the white idea that man somehow could own parts of Mother. Until then their were no boundries, we moved and interacted with Mother and her other children and with other two legged as a part of the whole. Such was our ability that we even moved away from well established villages that the Earth might heal. Soon we were attacked even by our own tribes people for our medicine was not valued.

Big Tree 4/27/2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Apr. 26th.

Only you can decide what you are going to say or how.

Uncle Bob Big Tree 1953

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Apr. 24th.

When you pray do so in this manner. First see what you are asking for as accomplished. Feel how you would feel if it were so, smell it, feel it hear it, and know it as if already done, then give thanks and let it go.

Big Tree 4/24/2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Apr. 23rd.

Respect and honor your self and your family. Above all honor your promises to self and others. Make yourself a person others will follow.

Big Tree 4/23/2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Apr. 22nd.

Each and every life on Earth including Mother herself has medicine to share with us if we just stop and ask then listen.
Even Grandfather Sun has medicine if you just pause in his glow and allow him to share.

Big Tree 4/22/2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Peace has to be worked for both within and without.

Eli Parker Degandaweda

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Apr. 20th.

Do you dance for the ancestors, or for those yet to come? Do you dance in mourning for those unborn or in celebration of those who showed the way? Do you dance for yourself or for the people? Why you dance is as important as how you dance.

Big Tree 4/20/2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Apr. 19th.

As all of the elders I met said in one form or another, each of us is a special part of creation with a purpose. Seek out and find that purpose that all creation might benefit.

Big Tree 4/19/2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Apr. 18th.

Like one elder asked me in 1953, " Which part of you is Indian? is it your nose, your ear or maybe your little toe. People do not come in parts. Just different reflections of the first people." I might add, even a adopted brother or sister is as much a part of my family as my own blood kin. For Degandaweda said to make it so, and I do. For that matter, every tribe had adoption ceremonies which made either a stranger or a enemy into family. Perhaps it's time to bring that custom back

Big Tree 4/18/2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Women know and are the essence of love.

Frank Fools Crow sometime in the 50's

Friday, April 16, 2010

Apr. 16th.

As I put it to a group I taught a while back. The ceremony purify's you on the outside but it's purpose is to awaken the joy inside that you might become a light for others.

Big Tree 4/16/2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Apr. 15th.

As one steel worker Uncle of mine once told me, the only thing that kept him human was coming back to the people when ever he could. Like he put it, NY City was so far from reality that he found his heart turning to steel just like that which he erected in the skyscrapers. Always return to nature and to the people to renew yourself.

Big Tree 4/15/2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Apr. 14th.

Until you love and respect yourself, you can not love or respect others. Such is the way of Great Mystery.

Uncle Bob (Big Tree) 1954

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Apr. 13th.

A friend is someone you enjoy the company of, stand up for when he/she is attacked, tell them when their wrong and stand with them when they are right.

Big Tree 4/13/2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Apr. 12th.

Old Mary often said "All of us think we are incomplete and ugly until we have lived our purpose."

Big Tree 4/12/2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Apr. 11th.

The best way to start experiencing things of the spirit is to act like you already are.

Various elders 1950's

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Apr. 10th.

We can't change anything as individuals, however we can by working as a community of people change the world.

Big Tree 4/10/2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Apr. 9th.

All life is blessed by Great Mystery this is including the two legged, the four legged, the feathered, the fined and swimming and even the rock people and cloud people are special and equal to you.

Grandmother Smith 1952

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Apr. 8th.

Everything you touch and work with that feels your respect will cooperate with you.

Big Tree 4/8/2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Apr. 7th.

The women will carry the message of Black Elk from Patagonia to Pt. Barrow. Listen to their voice as they say no more war or rape or greed.

Big Tree 4/7/2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Apr. 6th.

Community grows and becomes stronger when each of us serves our purpose.

Big Tree 4/6/2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apr. 5th.

The day is coming when women will say no more war or greed. You will not hurt me, my sisters or my children any more.

A prophecy after a ceremony back in the 50's

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Apr. 4th.

Grandmother said when you pray for others your needs are met. When you pray for self that is greed.

Big Tree 4/4/2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Apr. 1st.

Grandmother said, always pray, not just in the morning but each time you start something else during the day. That makes the day go better in every way.

Big Tree 4/1/2010

April 3rd.

Learn from nature for only there will you find the true way to Great Mystery.

Several Elders in the 1950's.

Apr. 2nd.

With every decision, make sure it will be good for the next seven generations.

Many elders in the 1950's

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mar. 31st.

Never become thrilled with cities, they will suck your spirit dry. Always return to the places of real beauty, the forest and the hills to renew yourself.

Luther Filey Seneca steelworker 1956

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Always remember the children for the next seven generations are more important then we are.

Several elders in the 1950's

Monday, March 29, 2010


I have entered the spirit world four times now. When I go throw a great big feast and celebrate. Instead of being sad laugh for on that side I find no pain, no infirmity, no aging and no sadness.

Big Tree 3/29/2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mar. 28th.

Have you found and are drawn to a area or even a small place, that is a sacred site where you are. Protect it and go to it often for renewal of yourself and your community.

Big Tree 3/28/2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mar. 27th.

When you build a image so strong that you can feel it, taste it, smell it, and hear it in your heart then let go it will come to you quickly. Doesn't matter if that image is made of need, desire or fear, you bring it to self.

Big Tree 3/27/2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mar. 26th.

Before it's all lost, go to the elders and ask to be taught. Have our school children write or photograph the ceremonies and find out what purpose the serve. This will serve not just the tribe but in days to come all of mankind. Without it, perhaps mankind is doomed. Remember we are all related. In spirit we are all part of the whole.

Big Tree 3/26/10

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Are you learning about our relationship with each other and Creator? Are you sharing that with others? Each is a important step toward filling your purpose and helping others in their growth.

Big Tree 3/25/2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mar. 24th.

Grandmother said that all people and all religions have some truth in their religions. However no person or group has all the truth. Learn from all, take what you find useful and leave the rest.

Big Tree 3/24/2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Never be afraid to show your feelings.

Grandmother Smith 1952

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mar. 22nd.

Uncle Bob Big Tree used to say "Enjoy life and allow all others to do the same."

Big Tree 3/22/2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010


As part of every sun rise I give thanks that the sun gives a pale imitation of the fat brighter light beyond it.

Big Tree 3/21/2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Great Mystery show me how to live, I listen to you with my heart.

Big Tree 3/20/2010

Friday, March 19, 2010


Do you have a special place where you connect with Mother Earth? Do you go to renew yourself or to renew Mother? Remember that in renewing Mother you are also renewing self.

Big Tree 3/19/2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010


All ceremony has been given that we might connect with the fire or light at the center of all.

Big Tree 3/18/2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mar. 17th.

Listen to the inner voice, it will guide you from the times to come. It will give you hope when hope fails and it will give you strength to do what you must.

A council of Elders in 1956

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


You can look at the differences and react in fear toward another or you can see the sameness and react in love.

Aunt Katheryn 1958

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mar. 15th.

Be it give away, giving thanks for what ever has provided your food, or being thankful for a kind word or smile, always remember to give thanks and always remember the source of all for what you do to others you do to self also.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mar. 14th.

We are all related, just each has a different purpose. From the latest science I have seen, we all came from one woman in Africa. So why don't we act like it? That is the job of the individual to do, start acting like we are all one. Why do we forget the lesson of the medicine wheel of four colors around one center?

Big Tree 3/14/2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010


The answer to the question of why you are here is between you and Creator. That which all religion profess to explain but never do. Each has to find the answer within. That is the meaning of the quest. When you find the answer come back and help others in their quest.

Unknown author.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mar. 12th.

Grandmother told me if you don't make mistakes your not doing anything. If your not doing anything your not worth anything either.

Big Tree 3/12/10

Thursday, March 11, 2010


As one elder told me when I first was exposed to the medicine wheel,"Don't just see the center of the wheel, become it."

Big Tree 3/11/2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mar. 9th.

Even if you don't believe in a causing force offering up best wishes and so on each morning will help you in your daily activity. The more you offer prayers or wishes for others, the more you benefit yourself, however do not offer prayers for others just for the benefit of self but in a spirit of true giving. If you ask for something for self do it in the spirit of what would be best for all. Then let go, for the prayer is answered even i you can't see it yet.

Grandmother Smith 1953

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mar. 5th.

Over and over I get people asking me where do I belong. In every case that is something only Creator/Great Mystery and they can answer. Then they can belong where ever they find them self.In every case I serve the people I find myself among without regard to their tribe, race or sex.

Big Tree 3/5/2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mar. 4th.

Who are you, this means who do you think of yourself as? Not the name you were given by someone else but who you consider yourself to be.
Where are you from? Not the physical location but the people who helped make you who you are.
Why are you here? What help do you need or even better, what is your purpose?
Those three were the three questions I encountered from the elders I learned from.
My grandmother added a fourth question. What are you doing about the answer to the first three questions?
I added a fifth question later. How will what your doing affect the next seven generations?

Big Tree 3/4/2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mar. 3rd.

Remember the actions of today become part of the traditions of tomorrow. One day we who are elders today will be those who have gone before. One day the youth we give teachings to will become the elders and so on even to the seventh generation. How do you wish to be remembered? How do you honor your elders?

Big Tree 3/3/2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Do you walk your talk? Even in your promises to self?

Big Tree 3/2/2010

Monday, March 1, 2010


A extra day, what are you and Creator going to do with it? After all it's a gift to you.


Have you cleaned up your diet and thoughts? Do you treat yourself as special? Have you looked at what Creator Is saying to you? If you are then Creator smiles with you.

Big Tree 3/1/2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feb. 28th.

Do you spend time each day listening to all of nature? What about the cloud people or the winged ones? How about the standing people from the moss to the greatest tree? Or do you listen to the whispers of the four legged and the creeping and crawling? Do you listen to Mother Earth herself? All have lessons for living if you but listen.

Old Mary 1953

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Never forget to pray for those who ignore you, hate you or do harm to you for they act from ignorance.

Grandmother Smith and others in 1954

Friday, February 26, 2010


What is your purpose? Have you asked Great Mystery/ Creator/Grandfather? Each of us is different, so each has to ask for them self.
Big Tree 2/24/2010

Feb. 26th.

If you but listen you are given warning of danger, direction for growth and everything you need from within. Like Grandmother told me, be still and learn.

Big Tree 2/26/2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb. 25th.

Creator gives life from within. See Creator in everything but seek him within.

Big Tree 2/25/2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb. 23rd.

Learn and use the good parts of other cultures but never allow them to become more important then your own.

Several elders 1950's

Monday, February 22, 2010

Earth Keeper and who I am.

First that as Grandmothers brother. He passed on in 1956. Uncle Bob Filey was the traditional peace chief of the Seneca Nation and the voice of the traditionalist.
The name was and is given by the clan mother of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nation and nobody knows who among the clan will be chosen. Grandmother was the Clan mother until her death in 1962 and she bestowed the name on me, while Uncle Bob was still alive. Not because I was the next traditional chief of the Nation but because she said the day would come when I would speak out for and too the people everywhere. I did not use it until about seven years ago when a Cherokee elder asked me what my traditional name was and why I wasn't using it. He told me then it was time. The name goes back to the formation of the 5 nations at least a thousand years ago. It honors the person who created the federation. So the name is Degandeweda or Big Tree.
No I gave Audrey the head of the Earthkeeper society and the Bear Claw medicine which many have carried including me and Frank Fool's crow before me. It has been about 10,000 years since a woman carried the claw. David is still the representative of his grandfathers medicine and with Audrey will receive and become caretakers of Refuge and of both my Peacemaker job and the dream of building a native center here. Big Tree's job is Peacemaker and spokesperson for peace. The Earthkeepers at one time was so extensive that it had members in every village from one end of (S. America) to the other N. America) Turtle Island plus members in Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. A year ago it was down to myself and three other people until David and Audrey came along. They have built it back up to around fifty now. Yes Earth Keeper is a title and describes the function the holder carries in relation to his/her tribe and part of the Earth. They are also responsible for greeting the sun each day and working with the little people in tending to all the other life forms here on Mother. Hope this answers your questions.

Feb. 22nd.

More then once have elders told me to go listen to flowers or in one case a blade of grass, have you listened lately.

Big Tree 2/22/2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb. 21st.

This is the meaning of "All my Relations". That even the Rocks and dirt have life and must be asked before you can use them. That all life is sacred, and some have agreed to being used for the benefit of others, but all ways ask first and take only what you need. Always give a gift when you take something be it medicine food or shelter that the life you take may not be just used. A good rule of thumb is ask the first plant/deer or whatever and leave a gift for them then go take what you need from their relatives. Not all in any case but what you need.

Big Tree 2/21/2010

Feb. 20th.

Adapt but never forget where you came from.

Uncle Bob Big Tree 1954

Friday, February 19, 2010


Everyone has something wrong with them, be aware of this. However look for the good in everyone also. All people have worth, sometimes you have to look hard to find it. Remember that if Great Mystery sends someone to you, he/she has a reason.

Grandmother Smith 1952

Feb. 18th.

Learn to laugh, first at yourself, then at life situations and lastly at those who look down on you. In doing so you will find peace easier to attain.

Big Tree 2/18/2010


Even if you are full of fear, you can do what is required if you ask Creator/Great Mystery to show you what is needed and the strength to carry it out. Always go within and ask before acting then go ahead and do what is needed.

Big Tree 2/17/2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feb. 16th.

The women this year will be asked to bring all the tribes, nations and villages together. Not by political strength but by love and womens intuition will this be done. Never again will the game of politics trump working in harmony with each other.

Big Tree 2/16/2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feb. 15th.

If you connect with your inner self every morning and evening you will learn to enjoy life if you enjoy life others will enjoy you.

Big Tree 2/15/2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb. 14th.

We make life complex. What do we really need? What owns us? Get rid of the part that owns us. Enjoy the part that sustains us.

Big Tree 2/14/2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Seeing from the heart, something that doesn't sound that easy really is. Once you have gone to the place of peace within, it is a small matter to go beyond to seeing not with your eyes but with your being, knowing not with your brain but with your heart.

Big Tree 2/13/2010

Five questions

Who are you? Not just the name someone attached to you when you were born, but who do you think you are?
Where are you from? What things have happened that have made you who you are?
Why are you here? Why did you seek something from me or any other person? Also what is your purpose in life?
What are you doing about it? What are you doing about the first three questions?
How will what your doing affect the next seven generations. Will your actions be positive for the coming generations, negative or lost?

Friday, February 12, 2010


Remember always where you came from and teach your children these things also. Then learn everything good from the other peoples. In this way may you be a blessing to the people. Said to a very hurting little 11 year old boy she was trying to teach about the people.

Old Mary 1953


I had forgotten one of the elders took my out on a warm afternoon and told me to lie on the grass, look up and tell him what the cloud people were telling me. Another took me to a near by stream and asked me what the water people were telling me. Still another took me to the front yard and asked me what the flowers were telling me. Still another asked me what the crows were talking about. In every case it took me from most of the day to weeks before I could answer. What is nature telling you?

Big Tree 2/12/2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb. 10th.

Not only does the ground we stand upon consist of our ancestors it also makes the elements which will be our children's children. Treat Mother as sacred for from her do we come and to her do we return.

Big Tree 2/10/2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb. 9th.

No one is greater then Mother Earth and no one knows what changes she will pull to get us to understand we are her children not her masters. Sometimes she has to treat us like a dog treats fleas. Do you tend the garden or do you use from it without asking? Do you swim against the current or relax and go where it carries you?

Big Tree 2/9/2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb. 8th.

Never try to live another's life and never allow others to determine what you should do with your life. Ask the voice within what is best for you and enjoy what it tells you.

Big Tree 2/8/2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb. 7th.

Even in disagreement always maintain respect. Even if you battle or kill always maintain respect. Even if you can't understand always maintain respect. For if you maintain respect others will respect you. Show disrespect for anything and loose your own respect. Above all respect yourself. Never loose sight of who you are and never allow another to label you.

Various Elders from around the Seneca Nation during the 50's.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb. 6th

The giveaway was central to tribal life. Without the giveaway the elders could not perform their duty to teach the young. Without it the widow or orphen would be without. Without it the Chosen Chief could not oversee the carrying out of the council decisions. Without it the members of the warrior society would not be able to perform their duty to prevent trouble or deal with it. Without the giveaway the village, the tribe and the way of life would not have existed. Remember that as something positive about the people and our way of life.

Big Tree 2/6/2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Feb. 5th.

What have you done giveaway for? According to tradition, anyone who served you in some way was the recipient of a giveaway. The elder who taught the young people the traditions was supported by giveaway from the whole tribe. The Medicine person who healed a sickness or provided spiritual help or led a ceremony for the people received a giveaway in accordance with how valuable the recipients felt the service was and their ability to give. Someone who helped to tan, make weapons or gave some other service was also the recipient of a giveaway. As was those who had no more then a passing pleasant word to you. Those who danced in ceremony or stood in defense of the people also received a giveaway. Most important to the whole concept though was the sharing of good fortune, which often meant giving away of something of personal value or giving a feast for anyone who would come. It was often said of the true leaders of the people that they had the worst clothes, poorest lodge and least animals because they gave away the most. When and what have you done giveaway for and to whom recently?

Big Tree 2/5/2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb. 3rd.

The elders taught me, never rush into doing anything. Wait and make sure of your reason before you act. Then you will do right. Remember the outcome depends on Great Mystery

Big Tree 2/3/2010

Feb. 4th.

I just say Indian time, but it means waiting for every thing to be right before you do something. It means asking and then waiting for the go signal. It means some times acting spontaneously because you get a feeling something needs done. It even means having given up on seeing or doing something then have it happen through no effort of your own. It also means looking at what you want to do and why, before I want patience and I want it right now.

Big Tree 2/4/2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Most of the elders including myself have seen the horrors that can occur and the great things that can occur, what i have been saying to any who listen is that the choice though less now then even last year is ours. If we live in harmony with Mother and each other then most of the horrors do not happen. If we live in Discord with each other and Mother then we cause our own demise.


Grandmother taught me that everything happens when it's supposed to and for a reason. To wait and when the time is right act. To build the consensus for change slowly then bring it about quickly. That I try to do.

Big Tree 2/2/2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb. 1st.

You need to live your life. Not to what others think but to your own truths. You need to live not following some so called leader either religious or political but stand up for and follow your heart.

Big Tree 2/1/2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan. 31st.

Give into fear and you see nothing but enemies. give into love and you see brothers and sister.

Cornplanter 1953

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jan. 30th.

In the cycle of things you can know something will happen but not when. You can know a storm or blessing will arrive but you are not the one who determines the time. You can ask for help in healing, growth, companionship or whatever but Great Mystery will manifest under a schedule not of your making.

Big Tree 1/30/2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Quality of life

Quality of life, what is it and how do you pursue it? In my own case it would mean getting to the stream on my property and listening to the water people sing as they leap from rock to rock. To watch the raccoons play and wash food for them self. To watch the deer come on the property and graze instead of being confined within 50 ft. of my home. It means being able to travel up and down Main Street instead of being confined to big boxes with their scooters. Being able to window shop and even go into local small stores and craft shops and seeing stuff that isn't carried by WalFart. It means being able to take a trail instead of a parking lot when I want to go some where. It means being able to enjoy a park instead of sitting on the outside and looking in. It means being able to walk or at least visit my neighbors instead of having to drive next door. It means being able to work in the garden instead of watching someone else do it. It means being able to participate in a protest march rather then just helping to organize it. It means tossing a ball or frisbee back to a child or who ever instead of standing around watching. It means flying a kite instead of wishing on a windy day. It means drawing or painting a barn, waterfall, scene or group of people instead of looking a photographs of the same scene and getting no inspiration. It means dancing at a pow-wow instead of watching. It means participating in a ceremony instead of wishing I could. Above all it means interacting with a diverse group of people and my environment instead of being confined to a 60 ft. radius from the car/house or where ever i find myself.
What makes quality of life for you? Have you thought of it, and what are you going to do about it? Share this with anyone you think can use these ideas and add to them.

Big Tree 1/29/2010

Jan. 29th.

Connecting to our Mother the Earth is connecting to our source. Connecting to the Earth is connecting to all life. Connecting to the Earth is connecting to yourself.

Big Tree 1/29/10

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Red Road

I don't care what you call it. Any path that allows you to walk in peace with your fellow man, find a connection to creator/great mystery and find purpose for yourself is the good red road. Any way that allows you to think of the next seven generations and awakens you to your responsibility for yourself and for others is the good red road. May I wish you happy hunting.

Big Tree 1/28/10

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan. 27th.

As you die, most go to the light right away. However some who refuse to go or are afraid to go hang around. That's what the funeral ceremonies are for, to help with the transition of the spirit. Also to allow those left behind to say goodbye. The first thing you do on entering the light is in a none judgmental way review your life and see what you did right or wrong. Then you are greeted by those who went before you. After that I do not know because in the four times I have gone to the light, thats as far as I was allowed to go. I do know you are young again and free from both pain and fear. I also know those that hated you are among the welcoming committee and they ask forgiveness. I also know you communicate to those you left behind, though often only in their dreams. Your religion here or lack of one makes no difference on that side.

Big Tree 1/27/10

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan. 25th.

As you battle the inner demons remember that most of them are only habits and if you are aware of a habit, you can do something about it. You are the best source for change and the best source for courage.

Various elders

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Like Grandmother said, listen to the Elders but that includes the plant people, the four legged people, the swimming people, the flying people the stone people and above all Mother Earth. Listen and take the lessons that have meaning for you, then use them.

Big Tree 1/24/10

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Grandmother said that if you want to see your enemy, look in the mirror. You want to see who can defeat him, look in the mirror.

Big Tree 1/23/10

Friday, January 22, 2010


This is the vision seeking in other language. Going beyond death to find something to live for. Suffering to find a purpose and living that your purpose might become real.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Anyone who says Creator is only male is a fool. Even the Christian and Jewish books say we were created male/female in the image of Creator. We have to find the other inside us to be true to the image of Creator.

Uncle Bob Filey (Big Tree) 1952


The best thinking is how to help others. That way your not worry only me. Watch around, many things come you can do if you look.

Old Mary 1953

Jan 19th.

We all have to go through the dark night before the dawn, accept it and grow beyond it.
Big Tree 1/19/2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Only when you have entered the complete silence can you hear and only when you have entered the complete blackness can you see. Only when you have done both can you know.Only in knowing are you ready to act. All else is preparation for action.
Unknown elder 1953

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan. 17th.

You are Creator/ Great Mysteries gift to the world, what do you do with this gift?

A healing ceremony conducted by eight elders in 1952

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jan. 16th.

How often do you do what you say? How often do you allow what others say influence your life? When do you allow fear to guide your life? Get all of the fear based reactions out of the way. Stand up and know that each of you are special and today is someday. Here's a round toit for everyone. Here's the day you can do what you are always going to get a round toit. Today is when you start ding what you promised yourself you would someday. After all if you can't keep promises to yourself why should others keep promises to you? If you lie to self then lies are all you will find in life. Fear is never a good place to find yourself nor a good place to act toward others from. Blame doesn't solve the problems of the world and when you die, only one person judges you, what will your judgment be? It all ends up with you and Great Mystery, when you report your life and what you did with it. Remember you attract with your fears exactly what you fear.

Big Tree 1/16/2010

Ask Big Tree

Will try to answer one question per person a day on this blog. Seeing as that is what most have asked me to do.

Set up a new email address just to take the questions people might have. Don't know if I can answer all the questions but I will try. Send your question for the day to.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jan. 15th.

You are spirit but so is the rock, the deer, the snake and the fish. You and they can communicate if you are willing to take the time, however you may find that the so called lower creatures are far wiser then you.

Big Tree 1/15/2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan. 14th.

All teaching is done in a circle because the teacher and the students are both learning. Everything is done in a circle for a circle does not have a beginning nor a end. A circle rolls around like the seasons of life, who knows where it began or where it ends. A circle also shows respect for everyone sitting within it as each in turn speaks.

Grandmother Smith 1952

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan. 13th.

Love is the strongest force in the universe. However we as a people have forgotten how to love. We have replaced things, money and laws for the love which allows everyone to prosper. It is time to start teaching the children by example instead of do as I say not as I do. Show love and concern for others and you will receive much more in return.

Big Tree 1/13/10

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan. 12th.

Learn from the best of those who came before, also learn from their worst, that you might walk in beauty. You are spirit and sacred.

Big Tree 1/12/2010


The false scientific or pseudoscience claim that someone else or some group is better then any one else. Used mostly today by the right wingnuts and others who attack Muslims, native Americans and blacks. Anyone who uses religion for the same purpose falls into this category also. The elders were very clear that the only difference between people was in the way they were taught. no white, red, black, yellow or mixed race person was any better then anyone else. They also said that organized religion was used only to divide people instead of bringing them together with the things they shared in common. All people have portions of truth but no people have all the truth. all religions have some worthwhile information, however no religion has a lock on everything about Great Mystery just portions of the truth that they were given to share with the rest of mankind.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan. 11th.

Neither race nor language should make any difference in dealing with people, a brown dog, a black dog, and a white dog all live in harmony. What difference does color make in the two legged animal, none. The only difference and a delightful one is male and female. Give thanks for that difference and ignore the rest.

Uncle Bob "Big Tree" Filey 1954

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan. 10th.

Remember everything that has happened did for a reason. Every thing that you wanted that didn't happen also was for a reason. Seek out the reason then go on with your life.

Old Mary sometime in the 50's

Jan. 9th.

The elders taught me that no matter what we say or do for others to see and judge by,in the end we have to judge ourself. Listen to the still small voice and then act. It will save much sorrow for you and those who trust you in the end. Follow not the religious for they wear their pride on their sleeve. Follow not the politician for they will use you to advance them self. Follow then only your inner guidance and the call for help by the living beings who seek your help. None other matter, for those who seek to shine on this planet will be thrown in the dark and gnaw on bones in the next life.Those who would split hairs over a issue of law are wrong also for they do not see the justice demanded by the very law they try so hard to enforce. Seek then the still small voice and be a source of comfort and justice for those who have need.

Big Tree 1/9/2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan. 9th.

The elders taught me that no matter what we say or do for others to see and judge by,in the end we have to judge ourself. Listen to the still small voice and then act. It will save much sorrow for you and those who trust you in the end.

Big Tree 1/9/2010


Was the subject of two councils while I was growing up. Who ever called the council was charged with giving the reason for calling it and carrying out what was decided after. The first round everyone stated what they thought should be done and asked for extra information at times on what someone else had said. Usually the second round was less diverse as various people incorporated something previous speakers had said. Third round normally brought consensus though sometime I was told it went into a fourth round. If after four rounds no consensus was reached the matter was dropped and could not be mentioned again for a year. That was the ways of the six nations who gave the USA their form of government with major faults in the adaption.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


"Always seek to serve the greatest good in what you do in life."

Old Mary Powell 1957 Kinzu, PA if the story was true and it was told to me by Grandmother Old Mary was born in 1842. She lived another year after this that I know of.

Elders Meditaiton 1/7

Being a hollow bone means getting out of the way. It means not doing healing or whatever as we think it should be done but allowing Creator to use us to meet the real needs of others. Just ask and then allow yourself to be used. Often what the person is asking for or what we think is the solution is not. Allow the greater good to flow and true healing will result. It means instead of directing, you allow healing or whatever benefit is asked of you to happen according to a higher powers wisdom. It means giving yourself in service to others rather then deciding what will be done by yourself.

Frank Fools Crow 1955 to a scared, confused 13 year old who had not been brought up in the traditions.

Big Tree 1/7/2010

More on indian government

We always have had government, just a government built on consensus rather then a top down European or Asian model. It was a bottom up model with the chief serving to carry out and enforce what the people decided instead of the other way around. It also called for service by everyone, thus the concept of the giveaway. You gave away your excess to someone else. We always had division of labor, and the idea that the tribe supported the chief, the medicine person and the elders/teachers. Though in truth the chief or medicine person usually gave away most of what was given to him/her. Though the idea of money was carried in the wampum which was used as a convenient method of trade both within the tribe and between tribes. So do not romanticize the people or give them greater credit then they are due. Because the people were so interdependent banishment from one tribe for infractions meant starving to death because if one tribe banished you others would not welcome you. While their were exceptions, mainly the men hunted and fished and the women grew crops or harvested wild foods though that was not always true.

Indian Government

Indians don't have enough experiences? Who's government was copied when the original articles of confederation failed? Who has over a thousand years of democracy? Who built the network of trails which the Europeans followed and are now our major highways? Who taught the Europeans how to survive in what they perceived as wild and inhospitable lands? How did the Spanish come upon peaceful cities greater in size and scope then anything in Europe at the time? You look from a European Top Down model of government and think we have to have a king or something equivalent. I look at a bottom up government where a chief or leader carries out the decisions of the people. Both the communist and the capitalist are really built on the idea of people as serfs to carry out the work assigned without any regard for the people other then lip service. They are built on the idea of a warlord or all powerful leader which is what the world does not need. Such is also in direct violation of the teachings of the one called Christ.

Big Tree 1/7/2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Self Government

More attacks on Native Americans, First People or what ever the racist bastards call us. All the tribes of North and South America need to join together and say no more from the illegal colonial nations. We are not subjects of the colonial powers but sovereign nations in our own right and fully capable of governing our self. We already have a form for a joint government. the six nations, a confederation where each tribe rules itself but all join in self defense and common interests. Seems the Peacemaker even provided for others to join the confederacy when he created it. Just our people got to thinking they were more special then other nations. The peacemaker also said anyone who wished could come sit under the tree of peace and trace it's four white roots of peace. I ask women from every tribe join in a ceremony to begin this process at the summer solstice right where Wallace Black Elk said the mending of the hoops would begin at the great medicine wheel in the Black Hills. We reject every broken treaty made by the colonials and demand our land, our rights and our resources back. We demand compensation for the way our people have been treated by your illegal governments and we demand the right to sit in the United Nations as a nation in our own right. Not just as observers with no voice.

Big Tree 1/6/2010

Self love

">IF YOU DO NOT LIKE YOURSELF THEN HOW CAN ANYONE ELSE? Find something today and work on that, until you can at least tolerate yourself. As Grandmother said “If you don’t love yourself warts and all, don’t expect anyone else too.”

Jan. 5th.

Always pray for those you meet each day, either aloud or silently. Do so standing in a circle for the circle represents all things equal. If you pray for them and they pray for you it brings mutual good. Standing in a circle shows no one is better then the other. Even if they do not pray for you the prayers you give help them. Don't be stingy with prayers.

Uncle Bob Big Tree 1952

Jan. 4th.

Remember everything is a circle. You are born, you grow, you become fruitful, you age then you die that new life might live. Then you come back after getting new purpose as that new life, to continue the cycle.
Old Mary March 1955 at my naming ceremony, when I turned 13.
Big Tree 1/4/2010

Jan. 3rd.

Every action, every minute every breath offers you choice. Embrace it, remember it's all part of a cycle, and live life in spirit, in joy and in human kindness for yourself and others. Choose not the ways of men for that leads to hatred and rage which consumes you. Choose not the way of greed for that leads to fear of lack. Choose only to enjoy the people and things that come into your life for all are temporary. Live life as if your next breath would be your last, for at some time that will be true. Even that is choice.

Many elders 1950's

Jan. 2nd.

Grandmother taught me what she called the power breath. Take a breath in through the nose to the count of four, hold for a count of four breath out through the mouth for a count of twelve. Do this from four to seven times . It changes your perspective more toward the spiritual. Works better if you focus your thoughts at the same time but always works.

Big Tree 1/2/09

Jan. 1st.

Believe first in yourself, then in what you can do. finally believe that what you need or desire will come to you, then you control your life.

Various elders in the 1950's


I am doing this blog to help preserve much of what I was taught when I was younger. The elders from many nations had a hand in teaching me. It is time I shared this wisdom before it is lost forever. Please comment if you find it valuable or not. Some will be daily items and some will be seasonal or special info. Just keep coming back and seeing what I have left.