More attacks on Native Americans, First People or what ever the racist bastards call us. All the tribes of North and South America need to join together and say no more from the illegal colonial nations. We are not subjects of the colonial powers but sovereign nations in our own right and fully capable of governing our self. We already have a form for a joint government. the six nations, a confederation where each tribe rules itself but all join in self defense and common interests. Seems the Peacemaker even provided for others to join the confederacy when he created it. Just our people got to thinking they were more special then other nations. The peacemaker also said anyone who wished could come sit under the tree of peace and trace it's four white roots of peace. I ask women from every tribe join in a ceremony to begin this process at the summer solstice right where Wallace Black Elk said the mending of the hoops would begin at the great medicine wheel in the Black Hills. We reject every broken treaty made by the colonials and demand our land, our rights and our resources back. We demand compensation for the way our people have been treated by your illegal governments and we demand the right to sit in the United Nations as a nation in our own right. Not just as observers with no voice.
Big Tree 1/6/2010
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