Friday, January 29, 2010

Quality of life

Quality of life, what is it and how do you pursue it? In my own case it would mean getting to the stream on my property and listening to the water people sing as they leap from rock to rock. To watch the raccoons play and wash food for them self. To watch the deer come on the property and graze instead of being confined within 50 ft. of my home. It means being able to travel up and down Main Street instead of being confined to big boxes with their scooters. Being able to window shop and even go into local small stores and craft shops and seeing stuff that isn't carried by WalFart. It means being able to take a trail instead of a parking lot when I want to go some where. It means being able to enjoy a park instead of sitting on the outside and looking in. It means being able to walk or at least visit my neighbors instead of having to drive next door. It means being able to work in the garden instead of watching someone else do it. It means being able to participate in a protest march rather then just helping to organize it. It means tossing a ball or frisbee back to a child or who ever instead of standing around watching. It means flying a kite instead of wishing on a windy day. It means drawing or painting a barn, waterfall, scene or group of people instead of looking a photographs of the same scene and getting no inspiration. It means dancing at a pow-wow instead of watching. It means participating in a ceremony instead of wishing I could. Above all it means interacting with a diverse group of people and my environment instead of being confined to a 60 ft. radius from the car/house or where ever i find myself.
What makes quality of life for you? Have you thought of it, and what are you going to do about it? Share this with anyone you think can use these ideas and add to them.

Big Tree 1/29/2010

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