Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Apr. 27th.

As I was told by the elder earthkeepers, our job in the past was to bless the gardens, the waters and the animals that the people might have food. Further it was the job to at least twice a year send healing to Mother that all life might continue. Further it was the job of each of them to build and maintain a medicine wheel within the village that might be the sacred ground for ceremony and the balance between the other life forms and man. It also was the job of the earthkeepers to recommend when to move the village to and find a new site for the village that the present site might renew itself. Most of those duties were destroyed by the white idea that man somehow could own parts of Mother. Until then their were no boundries, we moved and interacted with Mother and her other children and with other two legged as a part of the whole. Such was our ability that we even moved away from well established villages that the Earth might heal. Soon we were attacked even by our own tribes people for our medicine was not valued.

Big Tree 4/27/2010

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