Monday, September 20, 2010

My purpose

The last time I was dead I was met at the light by twenty six elders, thirteen men and thirteen women. This was the fourth time I went to the light. Every time before I came back to to something as I was this time. This time unlike the first time when I was just told your time has not yet come, your purpose not yet served. I was met not just by one person or being but by the council of elders. Some who's name I still don't know but others who I had heard of before. This included Degandaweda, Pontiac, Wallace Black Elk and some who I had not heard anything about. They asked me to come back and bring about a prophecy of the healing of nations. The vision of the planting of the tree and the giving of the words to bring all the native nations in the world together to teach peace and harmony to mankind.

I was shown once again the place it had to happen, and the fact that the women had to bring it into being. I was only to give the words to them that they might bring the people into a Confederacy like that formed by Degandaweda so long ago. I was also told to tell them to return to the making of relatives and that such was to be done for anyone no matter what the race or the religion of the people seeking to learn from the nations. That was not explained to me as to how because each nation had it's own ceremony. It was only given that the women were to be told the time of the rapes, killing of children and living us versus them had to end and the native peoples of N & S America with the Natives of Australia, New Zeland, Africa and Asia were the ones to start it. Thus will the sacred hoops of all nations be healed. I was also told that I would remain here on Earth to see this come into being.

My main problem is I can't drive far enough to get there. I don't have the money needed to buy gas and stay in motels or camp grounds enroute or on the way back and my wife drove off the people I saw helping me to do this. So I have given up on bringing this into being, someone else will have to do it. I do have the tree to plant to the North of the Great Medicine Wheel in the Black Hills, which is a child of the original Great Tree of Peace. I ask who among the people reading this will take my place?

Bob Smith (Big Tree Peacemaker)

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