Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Elders wisdom 9/23/2014

How much do you know about your ancestors? How relevant is the words and actions of those ancestors and how do they relate to the world today? Does a life where we are part of nature no better then any other animal have any worth in modern society and if so how?  Does a life that looked back 11 generations and looked forward 11 generations have any meaning to you? How could you incorporate the wisdom from 11 generations ago into daily life and pass it on to the next 11 generations?

These are questions I can not answer for you, though I can give you some of the wisdom passed on to me. Let me know your answers and perhaps even help each other in developing answers for each other.

Big Tree (Bob Smith 9/23/2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Elders Wisdom 9/20/2014

Tonight is the sacred fire in preparation for the sunrise Earth Healing Ceremony. The Sacred fire is lit at sunset and from then until Midnight is used to take away the bad which has fallen on all of us during the last 3 months. From Midnight until dawn, the fire is given our hopes and dreams for the next three months.

Big Tree 9/20/2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Elders Wisdom 9/14/2014Elders Wisdom 9/14/2014

Elders Wisdom 9/14/2014

Only by working together for common goals may we change the World. Only by sharing our dreams for the next seven generations may we build the world that we dream of. Remember each of has only a part of the dream so talk to others about your dream and incorporate the portions of the dreams they have into your's.

Big Tree 9/14/14

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Elders Wisdom 9/11/2014

You wish to provide for yourself in times of scarcity? First learn to hunt, for the game including rabbits and groundhog will fill you. Then learn what wild plants are good to eat near your home, they will fill your belly even better. Tyhen learn what wild plants nearby can be used as medicine and how to use them. In that way you will be stronger, better fed and healthier then you are today.

Big Tree 9/11/2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Elders Wisdom Sep. 7th. 2014

I Am A Peacemaker

I seek to resolve conflict. I seek to end wars. I work to end discrimination. Above all I value peace and

good will among humankind. I place my self between the warriors. I speak for those who have no

voice. I stand for the rights of all living things. Above all else I serve to bring both outer and inner

peace to everyone I meet.

It was said “blessed be the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”

I would rather be called some one who cares.

Big Tree 9/7/2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Elders Wisdom 9/4/2014

Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow may not come. However you have today to paint your ides and dreams on. Make it as beautiful as a work of art. For it is your life you are creating.

Big Tree 9/4/2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Elders Wisdom 8/30/2014

Unless and until the truth that we are all related. Until the truth that we all have something important to contribute to life. Until the truth that no religion has a corner on the truth or all that is we will continue to think some are better then others. Until the truth that we all are the product of the last seven generations and owe life and prosperity to the next seven generations, we will continue to wage war on each other and on ourMother the Earth and her other children. I ask each of you to look at how you view others and yourself, then live as you wish to be treated.

Big Tree (Bob Smith) 8/30/2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Elders Wisdom 23 Aug. 2014

Last night I had a dream or a vision.This time I was above me. surrounded by 26 other specks of light Me consisting of a speck of light that was the focus and also of awareness of all that is. Me consisting of something a single note of a harmony beyond description. Me consisting of something I can only describe as pure love. Me being part of but apart from all knowledge of everything past, present and future. Me being both a solution to the evil of separation and a part of that evil also. As we all are.

The first thing I have to teach is there is enough. Enough food, clothing, transportation, shelter, meaningful work and other things. Whoever hoards any of these things including money needs to be treated for the worst of all dis-ease fear of lack. These things are basic and need to be guaranteed. The second thing I need to teach from the other side is that fear of other is a crime. If someone worships in another way then you, that's all right. How many people are on our Mother the Earth today? That's how many forms of worship exist. The next thing we all need to learn is that Earth is both heaven and hell. We have made it hell by our fears and actions. We can make it heaven by going beyond fear to service. Each of us brings a ability, a built in need to be part of something beyond just making a living.

More then anything I must teach top down government is evil. It serves only those who can buy the government service.

Bob  Big Tree Smith 8/24/2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Elders Wisdom Jul.26th. 2014

The first day I ever was in Kinzu, I arrived in a wheel chair, with my triceps burnt in half and my right arm grown to my chest, so I couldn't use it at all.  I had two pair of pants, one shirt, shoes too small and two sets of underwear. That day I only met two neighbors that day and was very upset that I had to come there instead of going home. The next morning i learned about the giveaway. Uncle Bob and Kathy (age 11) had to spend a hour bringing in clothes for me. the front porch was covered with clothing. When it was all sorted out I had sixteen pairs of pants, five pair of shoes, twenty seven shirts, eighteen  sets of underwear, and six slings to keep my arm immobile. None of them were new, but all of them were clean, in bags or boxes and either fit me or I grew into in the next few months. this from a community of about 92 people at the time including children. Kathy who had volunteered to be my wheel chair person, received three sets of sneakers and two loose skirts plus a nurses uniform which fit in about six months. Grandmother received various  herbs to treat me with, a bed for me to sleep in, enough sheets to take care of me for a week  and enough food to feed a growing boy for a month. This is community is action, this is working together to solve problems. this is acting without being asked. If a small village can accomplish this what can we accomplish with a larger community?

Big Tree 7/26/2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Thoughts July 21st. 2014

Today Israel is mowing the grass again. Making sure Gaza realizes it is totally dependent on and subject to the invaders. However the objective is a Jewish state from the Nile to the Euphrates and from Turkey to Jeddah. A compliant goyan slave labor component would be nice too.  Silly Arabs for getting in the way and complaining.

In the meantime our Nazi friends in Ukraine have shot down a airliner and blamed the Russians. this is more a distraction from what is going on in Israel.

Both the United States and Israel have a major fault. Neither has any use for diplomacy and both are over reliant on a strong military. If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

When I was taking journalism classes in high school I was taught News reports Who, when, where, what, why and how. Opinion is reserved for the editorial page. wish our talking heads and faux news sources would learn this today. However when our news sources are beholden to the same five sources for their paycheck, what you get is a one sided highly edited viewpoint.

I was taught by my elders in Kinzu that two types of government exist. One like the village council is open to and responds to the needs of the people. the other governs by fear.  I went by the police station the other day and saw the police owned tank sitting there. I also heard on local news that the swat team has served another warrant. Why the swat team? the Elders also taught me one government is loved and the other is feared. Why govern by fear? I also remember the Chief of police in Titusville, PA back in the 50's telling me the job of the police is to prevent trouble. If they have to make a arrest they have failed in their primary job.

Bob Smith (Big Tree) 7/21/14

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Elders Wisdom July 19th. 2014

Elders Wisdom 7/19/2014

    I guess if we are going to have civilization her in this world it's up to a handful of people to lead the way. We have no peace, no security, no cooperation, no community and no rights under the corporate rule.

    Who is teaching the wages of peace brings s all more security. Who is teaching that even animals have rights? Who is teaching that everyone has a right to a lifetime of education? Who is teaching that each and every individual human being is sacred and has something special to share with the rest of us? Who is teaching that all of us have to learn to work together for the benefit of all? Who is trying to bring traditional knowledge and give it a modern spin so it can be used by everyone? Who is caring for our Mother the Earth? Where are the Earthkeepers, the Peacemakers, the Community builders and the People who say to the strangers, Hello Friend?

    Who offers a kind word to someone who has reached the limits of what they can endure? Who lifts up and binds the wounds of those who have fallen no matter the reason? Who teaches how to use council to find solutions that serve all of us? Who will stand between warring parties as a human shield? Who grows to feed them self and others without asking in return?who goes out of the way to choose to offer friendship to those who would attack him or her?

    We do not need more government, nor bigger corporations. Each and every one of us is a part of the whole. It doesn't matter what your sex is, what you skin color is, what your religion or lack of is, what matters is are you working toward a kinder, more inclusive world. If you fighting it because you feel you will lack I can only say try. If your afraid to take the first step, I can only quote another "Follow me."

Our government either responds to the needs of all or it will fail and be replaced. Our religions either teach that the stranger is us or be replaced. Our cities are massive blocks to community and need to be changed, what better place to start then Detroit and Gaza?  All government is local and regional for every one has the same limitations and needs. Only by working together to solve problems may we truly call our self as CIVILIZED.

Robert N. Smith (Big Tree) USN Ret. Peacemaker and Earthkeeper and Green Party candidate for TN 1st. Congressional District

Friday, July 18, 2014

Elders Wisdom 7/18/2014

"Just because a government or religion tells you something true does not mean everything they tell you is true."

Uncle Bob (Big Tree) 1952

Monday, June 2, 2014

Elders Wisdom 6/2/2014

For every problem there is a soulution. Sometimes we don't see it because we are not asking the right question.

Big Tree 6/2/2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Thoughts 6/1/2014

Regarding Mr. Kerry's telling Ed Snowden to Man UP I have more then a few thoughts. First of all any trial in the United States of Amerikkka today would be no better then the Egyptian Courts trial of protesters. We have already seen the kind of Kangaroo court that tried Bradley Manning. We have seen the use of A law that should never have been passed to punish someone who reveled criminal activity by our elected and appointed leadership. I for one do not want another person to be subject to a witch hunt and false imprisonment. However I am afraid such would be the case if  instead of a meaningful punishment of our Domestic Enemies. Mr. Kerry come clean you started out as someone who stood up to government misdeeds. why have you changed?

My pharmacist had to argue with The Tricare (military) Pharmacey about paying for one of the two  antibiotics the infectious disease experts ordered for me to take for two weeks to kill the infection I have been fighting for over a year. Just because it cost $4000.oo for a two week course of medication. I received the medicine but still have several thousand I owe for other medications ordered by other MD's at Vanderbilt University Hospital. Don't know where I will raise the money needed to pay for that, because the military won't pay. BTW that's $142.86 per pill, thank you Phizer. How much of the cost was attributed to research paid for by Uncle Sap?

Speaking of Domestic Enemies the first thing i read this morning was about a baby severely burned when a pol-LICE-man threw a concussion grenade into a child's crib during a no knock raid. That is one reason we have to stop the war on drugs. The Gestapo can and will continue to do this and other crimes with impunity. How many unarmed, injured and mistreated people have to suffer before we hold the po-LICE accountable?

My dog Ace made history Friday and Saturday. I was in Vanderbilt ICU and he was allowed in and shared my bed. Ace Superdog has saved my life so many times with his uncanny ability to predict a heart attack before I even feel it. Plus once he woke Jean up in time to crack a rib and get me breathing when I had stopped because of a concussion.

Not speaking out against injustice means you approve of it and support it. If you only reach and educate one person who hears you that is enough because that person will speak to many you do not know.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18th. 2014

Today I have to ask, are you among those who strive to live in harmony with Mother or are you among the people who are so busy making a living that you forget how to live? Are you among those who blindly follow the politicians into war, hating others without any reason or fearing others or are you one that says the hate has to stop? Are you waiting for someone or something before you speak out or are you quietly talking to others about what you think might make this world a better place for all my relations? Do you remember that the original instructions was to be caretakers of Eden which is and was Mother Earth?

Big Tree (5/18/2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9th. 2014

To change the world requires one person showing it can be done.  However it takes many learning from the one to bring it about.

Big Tree 5/9/2014

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 3rd. 2014

Cornplanter taught us children to understand the difference between a government that allowed everyone a voice and a government that used fear to control everyone. With cops getting automatic weapons, body armor, tracking devices, and tanks I will give you one guess as to which type of government we have today. He also taught us to work at bringing good government into being. Sixty years later I know exactly what he was warning us about.

Big Tree 5/3/2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

APR 25TH. 2014

One of my favorite guided meditations is this one.

Picture yourself at your favorite place in the whole world. Enjoy it, breath deeply and allow it to help wash away every daily care. Notice a faint trail leading somewhere else. Follow that trail as it leads gently upward. you come to a small stream bisecting the trail, and pass it. You notice a dwelling on one side with a friendly inhabitant who you greet but continue on the trail. you come to a door in a wall which swings open as you approach. You enter to find a hallway lined with doors labeled healing, love, wisdom, and many other doors with small labels on them, you choose one and enter to find something glorious and special. You stay for a while then come back to where you started.

Big Tree 4/25/2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mar. 24th. 2014

without something larger and greater then your self, you are existing. with such power within you you are truly living.

Uncle Gus. 1953

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mar. 23rd. 2014

"Live your life in such a manner that the only tracks you leave are on peoples hearts."

Grandmother 1962