Sunday, June 1, 2014

Thoughts 6/1/2014

Regarding Mr. Kerry's telling Ed Snowden to Man UP I have more then a few thoughts. First of all any trial in the United States of Amerikkka today would be no better then the Egyptian Courts trial of protesters. We have already seen the kind of Kangaroo court that tried Bradley Manning. We have seen the use of A law that should never have been passed to punish someone who reveled criminal activity by our elected and appointed leadership. I for one do not want another person to be subject to a witch hunt and false imprisonment. However I am afraid such would be the case if  instead of a meaningful punishment of our Domestic Enemies. Mr. Kerry come clean you started out as someone who stood up to government misdeeds. why have you changed?

My pharmacist had to argue with The Tricare (military) Pharmacey about paying for one of the two  antibiotics the infectious disease experts ordered for me to take for two weeks to kill the infection I have been fighting for over a year. Just because it cost $4000.oo for a two week course of medication. I received the medicine but still have several thousand I owe for other medications ordered by other MD's at Vanderbilt University Hospital. Don't know where I will raise the money needed to pay for that, because the military won't pay. BTW that's $142.86 per pill, thank you Phizer. How much of the cost was attributed to research paid for by Uncle Sap?

Speaking of Domestic Enemies the first thing i read this morning was about a baby severely burned when a pol-LICE-man threw a concussion grenade into a child's crib during a no knock raid. That is one reason we have to stop the war on drugs. The Gestapo can and will continue to do this and other crimes with impunity. How many unarmed, injured and mistreated people have to suffer before we hold the po-LICE accountable?

My dog Ace made history Friday and Saturday. I was in Vanderbilt ICU and he was allowed in and shared my bed. Ace Superdog has saved my life so many times with his uncanny ability to predict a heart attack before I even feel it. Plus once he woke Jean up in time to crack a rib and get me breathing when I had stopped because of a concussion.

Not speaking out against injustice means you approve of it and support it. If you only reach and educate one person who hears you that is enough because that person will speak to many you do not know.

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