Saturday, July 19, 2014

Elders Wisdom July 19th. 2014

Elders Wisdom 7/19/2014

    I guess if we are going to have civilization her in this world it's up to a handful of people to lead the way. We have no peace, no security, no cooperation, no community and no rights under the corporate rule.

    Who is teaching the wages of peace brings s all more security. Who is teaching that even animals have rights? Who is teaching that everyone has a right to a lifetime of education? Who is teaching that each and every individual human being is sacred and has something special to share with the rest of us? Who is teaching that all of us have to learn to work together for the benefit of all? Who is trying to bring traditional knowledge and give it a modern spin so it can be used by everyone? Who is caring for our Mother the Earth? Where are the Earthkeepers, the Peacemakers, the Community builders and the People who say to the strangers, Hello Friend?

    Who offers a kind word to someone who has reached the limits of what they can endure? Who lifts up and binds the wounds of those who have fallen no matter the reason? Who teaches how to use council to find solutions that serve all of us? Who will stand between warring parties as a human shield? Who grows to feed them self and others without asking in return?who goes out of the way to choose to offer friendship to those who would attack him or her?

    We do not need more government, nor bigger corporations. Each and every one of us is a part of the whole. It doesn't matter what your sex is, what you skin color is, what your religion or lack of is, what matters is are you working toward a kinder, more inclusive world. If you fighting it because you feel you will lack I can only say try. If your afraid to take the first step, I can only quote another "Follow me."

Our government either responds to the needs of all or it will fail and be replaced. Our religions either teach that the stranger is us or be replaced. Our cities are massive blocks to community and need to be changed, what better place to start then Detroit and Gaza?  All government is local and regional for every one has the same limitations and needs. Only by working together to solve problems may we truly call our self as CIVILIZED.

Robert N. Smith (Big Tree) USN Ret. Peacemaker and Earthkeeper and Green Party candidate for TN 1st. Congressional District

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