Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31st. 2012

I usually do not repeat something I have sent before. This one is important enough to send not once or twice but weekly if necessary. It has to d with mans failure to be a good steward of Mother Earth. I could add to this list have you sen the family tore apart by a coal dust explosion that could have been prevented? Have you seen the streams that used to provide drinking water covered and destroyed by mountain top removal? Have you watched a National park loose 40 % of it's trees because a coal burning power plant was sending nitric acid into it? I have. That is my local park (The Smokey Mountains) Have you seen the cost of air, water and ocean pollution caused by mans activities? I HAVE! Have you watched the blue sky turn a dirty brownish gray, I have. Have you watched the oceans fish and coral die off, I have. Have you seen the litter and trash alongside the roads, I have. Have you seen the forest raped for profits, I have. Have you seen the sprawl as people try to flee the cities and take the cities with them., I have. Have you seen the birds and animals die off because they have no place to live or nest, I have. Have you felt Mother Earth sob at what we are doing to her, I have. I look in the mirror and see the person who is doing this, I look in the mirror and see the person who can change this, have you? Big Tree 4/10/2011

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