Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19th. 2012

Among other things the Great Law of Peace told the tribes to welcome into the longhouse any other tribe that came in peace. It also told them to welcome anyone who sought to trace the roots of peace. It gave a means to make relatives. Where is this being followed today? That was just the first call to bring all the tribes together in a coalition because a single twig snaps but a bundle of twigs can't be broken. Every tribe I know of had making of relatives, ways to treat those who came in peace and so on. We need today a single voice for every tribe, and people. We need today to extend from Pt. Barrow to the tip of S. Turtle Island. We need to speak with one voice for the rights and the treaties that have been forced on us and broken repeatedly by the colonist. We need to work together for peace, social juistice, the rights to conduct our own governmental affairs without colonial supervision or colonial theft of our land, resources and children. We need a dance of unity, of empowerment not just for the First Nations nor the Tribes of North America but for all tribes everywhere, including the tribes of Africa, the Gypsies and the hill tribes and minorities of Asia. I am too old to lead this effort, who will step up. Who will say it's time for the women to speak out, for the elders to stand up and for the warriors to do their duty of protecting the weaker members of society by crating a government big enough and strong enough to protect all of them. Not a Representative government ,that is failing even in the U.S. but a confederation that gives the confederacy power to speak for the tribes to other governments and allow the tribes to govern themselves. We need to say to The United States, Canada or any other colonial power including Mexico, honor the Nations within your midst. We need to start making relatives again, so the tribes will not become so diluted that their identity is lost. We need to say we have ways of peace and honor, learn from us. Come become one of us and we will teach you the ways of peace and honor. No more will we do as you the colonial powers say, but the ways of our people shall guide us. Big Tree 5/19/2012

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