Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan. 31st.

Give into fear and you see nothing but enemies. give into love and you see brothers and sister.

Cornplanter 1953

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jan. 30th.

In the cycle of things you can know something will happen but not when. You can know a storm or blessing will arrive but you are not the one who determines the time. You can ask for help in healing, growth, companionship or whatever but Great Mystery will manifest under a schedule not of your making.

Big Tree 1/30/2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Quality of life

Quality of life, what is it and how do you pursue it? In my own case it would mean getting to the stream on my property and listening to the water people sing as they leap from rock to rock. To watch the raccoons play and wash food for them self. To watch the deer come on the property and graze instead of being confined within 50 ft. of my home. It means being able to travel up and down Main Street instead of being confined to big boxes with their scooters. Being able to window shop and even go into local small stores and craft shops and seeing stuff that isn't carried by WalFart. It means being able to take a trail instead of a parking lot when I want to go some where. It means being able to enjoy a park instead of sitting on the outside and looking in. It means being able to walk or at least visit my neighbors instead of having to drive next door. It means being able to work in the garden instead of watching someone else do it. It means being able to participate in a protest march rather then just helping to organize it. It means tossing a ball or frisbee back to a child or who ever instead of standing around watching. It means flying a kite instead of wishing on a windy day. It means drawing or painting a barn, waterfall, scene or group of people instead of looking a photographs of the same scene and getting no inspiration. It means dancing at a pow-wow instead of watching. It means participating in a ceremony instead of wishing I could. Above all it means interacting with a diverse group of people and my environment instead of being confined to a 60 ft. radius from the car/house or where ever i find myself.
What makes quality of life for you? Have you thought of it, and what are you going to do about it? Share this with anyone you think can use these ideas and add to them.

Big Tree 1/29/2010

Jan. 29th.

Connecting to our Mother the Earth is connecting to our source. Connecting to the Earth is connecting to all life. Connecting to the Earth is connecting to yourself.

Big Tree 1/29/10

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Red Road

I don't care what you call it. Any path that allows you to walk in peace with your fellow man, find a connection to creator/great mystery and find purpose for yourself is the good red road. Any way that allows you to think of the next seven generations and awakens you to your responsibility for yourself and for others is the good red road. May I wish you happy hunting.

Big Tree 1/28/10

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan. 27th.

As you die, most go to the light right away. However some who refuse to go or are afraid to go hang around. That's what the funeral ceremonies are for, to help with the transition of the spirit. Also to allow those left behind to say goodbye. The first thing you do on entering the light is in a none judgmental way review your life and see what you did right or wrong. Then you are greeted by those who went before you. After that I do not know because in the four times I have gone to the light, thats as far as I was allowed to go. I do know you are young again and free from both pain and fear. I also know those that hated you are among the welcoming committee and they ask forgiveness. I also know you communicate to those you left behind, though often only in their dreams. Your religion here or lack of one makes no difference on that side.

Big Tree 1/27/10

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan. 25th.

As you battle the inner demons remember that most of them are only habits and if you are aware of a habit, you can do something about it. You are the best source for change and the best source for courage.

Various elders

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Like Grandmother said, listen to the Elders but that includes the plant people, the four legged people, the swimming people, the flying people the stone people and above all Mother Earth. Listen and take the lessons that have meaning for you, then use them.

Big Tree 1/24/10

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Grandmother said that if you want to see your enemy, look in the mirror. You want to see who can defeat him, look in the mirror.

Big Tree 1/23/10

Friday, January 22, 2010


This is the vision seeking in other language. Going beyond death to find something to live for. Suffering to find a purpose and living that your purpose might become real.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Anyone who says Creator is only male is a fool. Even the Christian and Jewish books say we were created male/female in the image of Creator. We have to find the other inside us to be true to the image of Creator.

Uncle Bob Filey (Big Tree) 1952


The best thinking is how to help others. That way your not worry only me. Watch around, many things come you can do if you look.

Old Mary 1953

Jan 19th.

We all have to go through the dark night before the dawn, accept it and grow beyond it.
Big Tree 1/19/2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Only when you have entered the complete silence can you hear and only when you have entered the complete blackness can you see. Only when you have done both can you know.Only in knowing are you ready to act. All else is preparation for action.
Unknown elder 1953

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan. 17th.

You are Creator/ Great Mysteries gift to the world, what do you do with this gift?

A healing ceremony conducted by eight elders in 1952

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jan. 16th.

How often do you do what you say? How often do you allow what others say influence your life? When do you allow fear to guide your life? Get all of the fear based reactions out of the way. Stand up and know that each of you are special and today is someday. Here's a round toit for everyone. Here's the day you can do what you are always going to get a round toit. Today is when you start ding what you promised yourself you would someday. After all if you can't keep promises to yourself why should others keep promises to you? If you lie to self then lies are all you will find in life. Fear is never a good place to find yourself nor a good place to act toward others from. Blame doesn't solve the problems of the world and when you die, only one person judges you, what will your judgment be? It all ends up with you and Great Mystery, when you report your life and what you did with it. Remember you attract with your fears exactly what you fear.

Big Tree 1/16/2010

Ask Big Tree

Will try to answer one question per person a day on this blog. Seeing as that is what most have asked me to do.

Set up a new email address just to take the questions people might have. Don't know if I can answer all the questions but I will try. Send your question for the day to.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jan. 15th.

You are spirit but so is the rock, the deer, the snake and the fish. You and they can communicate if you are willing to take the time, however you may find that the so called lower creatures are far wiser then you.

Big Tree 1/15/2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan. 14th.

All teaching is done in a circle because the teacher and the students are both learning. Everything is done in a circle for a circle does not have a beginning nor a end. A circle rolls around like the seasons of life, who knows where it began or where it ends. A circle also shows respect for everyone sitting within it as each in turn speaks.

Grandmother Smith 1952

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan. 13th.

Love is the strongest force in the universe. However we as a people have forgotten how to love. We have replaced things, money and laws for the love which allows everyone to prosper. It is time to start teaching the children by example instead of do as I say not as I do. Show love and concern for others and you will receive much more in return.

Big Tree 1/13/10

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan. 12th.

Learn from the best of those who came before, also learn from their worst, that you might walk in beauty. You are spirit and sacred.

Big Tree 1/12/2010


The false scientific or pseudoscience claim that someone else or some group is better then any one else. Used mostly today by the right wingnuts and others who attack Muslims, native Americans and blacks. Anyone who uses religion for the same purpose falls into this category also. The elders were very clear that the only difference between people was in the way they were taught. no white, red, black, yellow or mixed race person was any better then anyone else. They also said that organized religion was used only to divide people instead of bringing them together with the things they shared in common. All people have portions of truth but no people have all the truth. all religions have some worthwhile information, however no religion has a lock on everything about Great Mystery just portions of the truth that they were given to share with the rest of mankind.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan. 11th.

Neither race nor language should make any difference in dealing with people, a brown dog, a black dog, and a white dog all live in harmony. What difference does color make in the two legged animal, none. The only difference and a delightful one is male and female. Give thanks for that difference and ignore the rest.

Uncle Bob "Big Tree" Filey 1954

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan. 10th.

Remember everything that has happened did for a reason. Every thing that you wanted that didn't happen also was for a reason. Seek out the reason then go on with your life.

Old Mary sometime in the 50's

Jan. 9th.

The elders taught me that no matter what we say or do for others to see and judge by,in the end we have to judge ourself. Listen to the still small voice and then act. It will save much sorrow for you and those who trust you in the end. Follow not the religious for they wear their pride on their sleeve. Follow not the politician for they will use you to advance them self. Follow then only your inner guidance and the call for help by the living beings who seek your help. None other matter, for those who seek to shine on this planet will be thrown in the dark and gnaw on bones in the next life.Those who would split hairs over a issue of law are wrong also for they do not see the justice demanded by the very law they try so hard to enforce. Seek then the still small voice and be a source of comfort and justice for those who have need.

Big Tree 1/9/2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan. 9th.

The elders taught me that no matter what we say or do for others to see and judge by,in the end we have to judge ourself. Listen to the still small voice and then act. It will save much sorrow for you and those who trust you in the end.

Big Tree 1/9/2010


Was the subject of two councils while I was growing up. Who ever called the council was charged with giving the reason for calling it and carrying out what was decided after. The first round everyone stated what they thought should be done and asked for extra information at times on what someone else had said. Usually the second round was less diverse as various people incorporated something previous speakers had said. Third round normally brought consensus though sometime I was told it went into a fourth round. If after four rounds no consensus was reached the matter was dropped and could not be mentioned again for a year. That was the ways of the six nations who gave the USA their form of government with major faults in the adaption.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


"Always seek to serve the greatest good in what you do in life."

Old Mary Powell 1957 Kinzu, PA if the story was true and it was told to me by Grandmother Old Mary was born in 1842. She lived another year after this that I know of.

Elders Meditaiton 1/7

Being a hollow bone means getting out of the way. It means not doing healing or whatever as we think it should be done but allowing Creator to use us to meet the real needs of others. Just ask and then allow yourself to be used. Often what the person is asking for or what we think is the solution is not. Allow the greater good to flow and true healing will result. It means instead of directing, you allow healing or whatever benefit is asked of you to happen according to a higher powers wisdom. It means giving yourself in service to others rather then deciding what will be done by yourself.

Frank Fools Crow 1955 to a scared, confused 13 year old who had not been brought up in the traditions.

Big Tree 1/7/2010

More on indian government

We always have had government, just a government built on consensus rather then a top down European or Asian model. It was a bottom up model with the chief serving to carry out and enforce what the people decided instead of the other way around. It also called for service by everyone, thus the concept of the giveaway. You gave away your excess to someone else. We always had division of labor, and the idea that the tribe supported the chief, the medicine person and the elders/teachers. Though in truth the chief or medicine person usually gave away most of what was given to him/her. Though the idea of money was carried in the wampum which was used as a convenient method of trade both within the tribe and between tribes. So do not romanticize the people or give them greater credit then they are due. Because the people were so interdependent banishment from one tribe for infractions meant starving to death because if one tribe banished you others would not welcome you. While their were exceptions, mainly the men hunted and fished and the women grew crops or harvested wild foods though that was not always true.

Indian Government

Indians don't have enough experiences? Who's government was copied when the original articles of confederation failed? Who has over a thousand years of democracy? Who built the network of trails which the Europeans followed and are now our major highways? Who taught the Europeans how to survive in what they perceived as wild and inhospitable lands? How did the Spanish come upon peaceful cities greater in size and scope then anything in Europe at the time? You look from a European Top Down model of government and think we have to have a king or something equivalent. I look at a bottom up government where a chief or leader carries out the decisions of the people. Both the communist and the capitalist are really built on the idea of people as serfs to carry out the work assigned without any regard for the people other then lip service. They are built on the idea of a warlord or all powerful leader which is what the world does not need. Such is also in direct violation of the teachings of the one called Christ.

Big Tree 1/7/2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Self Government

More attacks on Native Americans, First People or what ever the racist bastards call us. All the tribes of North and South America need to join together and say no more from the illegal colonial nations. We are not subjects of the colonial powers but sovereign nations in our own right and fully capable of governing our self. We already have a form for a joint government. the six nations, a confederation where each tribe rules itself but all join in self defense and common interests. Seems the Peacemaker even provided for others to join the confederacy when he created it. Just our people got to thinking they were more special then other nations. The peacemaker also said anyone who wished could come sit under the tree of peace and trace it's four white roots of peace. I ask women from every tribe join in a ceremony to begin this process at the summer solstice right where Wallace Black Elk said the mending of the hoops would begin at the great medicine wheel in the Black Hills. We reject every broken treaty made by the colonials and demand our land, our rights and our resources back. We demand compensation for the way our people have been treated by your illegal governments and we demand the right to sit in the United Nations as a nation in our own right. Not just as observers with no voice.

Big Tree 1/6/2010

Self love

">IF YOU DO NOT LIKE YOURSELF THEN HOW CAN ANYONE ELSE? Find something today and work on that, until you can at least tolerate yourself. As Grandmother said “If you don’t love yourself warts and all, don’t expect anyone else too.”

Jan. 5th.

Always pray for those you meet each day, either aloud or silently. Do so standing in a circle for the circle represents all things equal. If you pray for them and they pray for you it brings mutual good. Standing in a circle shows no one is better then the other. Even if they do not pray for you the prayers you give help them. Don't be stingy with prayers.

Uncle Bob Big Tree 1952

Jan. 4th.

Remember everything is a circle. You are born, you grow, you become fruitful, you age then you die that new life might live. Then you come back after getting new purpose as that new life, to continue the cycle.
Old Mary March 1955 at my naming ceremony, when I turned 13.
Big Tree 1/4/2010

Jan. 3rd.

Every action, every minute every breath offers you choice. Embrace it, remember it's all part of a cycle, and live life in spirit, in joy and in human kindness for yourself and others. Choose not the ways of men for that leads to hatred and rage which consumes you. Choose not the way of greed for that leads to fear of lack. Choose only to enjoy the people and things that come into your life for all are temporary. Live life as if your next breath would be your last, for at some time that will be true. Even that is choice.

Many elders 1950's

Jan. 2nd.

Grandmother taught me what she called the power breath. Take a breath in through the nose to the count of four, hold for a count of four breath out through the mouth for a count of twelve. Do this from four to seven times . It changes your perspective more toward the spiritual. Works better if you focus your thoughts at the same time but always works.

Big Tree 1/2/09

Jan. 1st.

Believe first in yourself, then in what you can do. finally believe that what you need or desire will come to you, then you control your life.

Various elders in the 1950's


I am doing this blog to help preserve much of what I was taught when I was younger. The elders from many nations had a hand in teaching me. It is time I shared this wisdom before it is lost forever. Please comment if you find it valuable or not. Some will be daily items and some will be seasonal or special info. Just keep coming back and seeing what I have left.