Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11th. 2012

In most native communities the rights of children under six are protected by the parents and other parents who have such children. Children be from six to twelve have a right to speak but are protected by both parents and the elders. Once a boy or girl reaches thirteen they become fully able to decide for them self. At that time they join in the councils, speak for them self and are also liable for their actions. This is a basic right of all children.

1: Freedom from violence both from governments and each other.
    This includes wars, executions and use of troops or police to punish protesters.
        All use of force by the police should be investigated by a grand jury or similar Judicial tribunal not related to or beholden to the police.

2: A world wide guarantee of food, clothing, medicine and shelter at least at a minimum level for all people.

3: A guarantee of education for all men and women.  This includes the teaching of critical thinking. Especially critical thinking which is the capability of understanding and rejecting government or employers actions. This education must be from cradle to grave and controlled by the people affected. It is not just educating to make better employees who perform without asking questions. It must also be education in the humanities and arts.

4: Freedom to be included in government decisions. If nothing less then local councils who have the right to propose better solutions for them self. This must also include the right of prisoners to ask for and suggest better treatment and rehabilitation.

5: Uniformly applied laws. No more laws aimed at minorities. If the police are going to stop and frisk in a Black. Asian, Hispanic or native  neighborhood it must also be equally applied to Wall Street or K Street or the gated communities.

6: Freedom to participate in or reject religion based on your choice and nothing but your choice. No laws may be based on religious standards but all laws must be uniform in application.

7: The right of minorities and tribal units to self government, based on the standards of the tribe. However that tribe also has the power to try and punish infractions against it or it's people the same as any other government and this includes infractions by a colonizing government.

8: The right of every member of society to meaningful and rewarding employment. Be it a Medical Doctor, police officer, lawyer, artist or farmer. Society is built not on uniformity of work and rewards but on diversity and each contributing as she/he is capable.

9: All laws must be written not in legalize but in the plain language understood by everyone. Corporations may be formed for limited time and specific purpose which must include a public interest. Any corporation which wishes to extend the time must prove  additional public good.

10: Add your ideas here and send them on.

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