Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jun. 12 th. 2012

Today is a give away. It is given by the Great Mystery/Creator to be written upon by us,his/her children. In that spirit, I give the following healing knowledge. For someone needs to balance them self today and others know someone who needs healing. The following chant or sacred sounds has the purpose of bringing healing to every part of a person.This in different forms was taught to me by at least five elders. I give the method I have found to work for me. Each of the sounds is of equal importance for each brings a different aspect of the spirit or immune system into harmony. AH repeated four times. Starting as high a note as you can reach and sweeping downward to the lowest note you can reach, for all healing comes from above and has to fill the body from top to bottom. then AY again repeated four times as given. then EE repeated four times as given. then II repeated four times as given. then U or OO repeated four time as given. then then Y repeated four times as given. then OH repeated four times as given. Followed bu a sincere thank you, Ah HO or Amen Best used with the burning of sage to help cleanse self or who you are giving this gift to. Big Tree 6/12/2012

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