Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30th. 2012

It's hard to comprehend that the Government of the Six Nations and the Government of the United States both came from the Great Law of Peace. Remember the traditional chiefs were chosen by the women in secret, without the men being considered even knowing who was being considered. They were chosen by who has treated his mother, sister, wife and daughters the best. Who has helped his village, friends and even strangers the most. Who has taught the children and watched over them without being asked. Who has given of his own for the sick injured and those without. Sometimes it took weeks of discussions for the women to finally choose a new chief. The law making is different to. The subject of the council was announced by the firekeeper (president or senior chief) then the person next to him spoke about what he thought should be done. It went around the circle with every person speaking and at times asking for clarification on what someone had said before. If they came to consensus within four rounds of discussion then the decision was given to the women to approve up or down. If not the subject could not be brought up again for a year. Yes it is hard to think of the savage and the civilized governments of the two nations. The Savage has only either or as a model. The civilized has peaceful and respectful discussions that result in consensus. Big Tree 7/30/2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29th. 2012

All of nature speaks to us and contains lessons or information we can use in our everyday life. If it is a fox showing up at your door seeking scraps for it's young, a bird flying overhead and talking to you or the voices of the tree people dancing and embracing their partner the winds. Each lesson or message is for the individual but each message also has universal meaning. If encountered by many people it has both meanings at the same time. Enjoy, learn and put into practice the lessons of each day. Big Tree 7/29/2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28th. 2012

You do not fight wars except to protect your way of life, elders, women and children. The you do not demonize the enemy, instead you spare the lives of your captives and treat them like human beings. You also respect their religion and way of life.

You do not fish for sport. Instead you fish to feed your family and those who have nobody to fish for them.

You do not kill for sport. If your family needs food you kill only what is needed and always with permission and with respect for your brothers the animals.

Nobody owns Mother Earth. You use what you need to live, shelter and feed your family.

Above all you remember and leave enough for the next seven generations. For that is what those who came before did for you.

Big Tree 7/28/2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24th.2012

Grandmother taught me, Never say goodbye, instead say until next time or later. " Because even on your death bed, it is not final but merely a seperation until your spirits and being reconnect." I said until next time to her in 1962 shortly after her 102 birthday. Big Tree 7/24/2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23rd. 2012

A warriors job and a policeman's job are the same. To prevent trouble b knowing what is going where they have responsibility for. To have a open dialogue with the people they serve and to remember that it is people and not business that are their primary responsibility. When trouble does come they both have the responsibility of dealing with it in the least harmful method.

Big Tree 7/23/2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22nd, 2012

Do you remember the first time you saw the clouds flying across the sky in all their majesty? Do you remember the first time you saw a tree scraping the sky? Do you remember the first time you felt rain on your face? Do you remember the first time you saw a bird fly? Do you remember the first time you saw a flower open? Do you remember how important the hug was when you fell down and hurt yourself? Do you remember the first time you heard the sound of moving water? Do you remember the sparkle of sunlight on the dew? Do you remember your first kiss? Stop and Remember these things are all part of you and more important you are part of them. Never loose that sense of wonder and aliveness, that sense of being part of something special for that is the best part of life. Big Tree 7/22/2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21st. 2012

As much as I talk about everything you have to remember everything you do or don't do reverberates through the next seven generations. If you remember this it will affect every decision you make. It is both the good and the evil of your actions that carries down through the next seven generations plus your intentions. So above all you need to do what you can to make your inner circle, your community and your world a little better for you being there. Big Tree 7/21/2012

July 20th. 2012

As all the elders taught me when I was growing up, it's not the religion you belong to or the place you find yourself in society but how you live your life and how you treat others that governs your final relationship with Great Mystery. All of the teachers who came before only showed you what is possible in your own life. Our purpose here on Mother Earth as every species has a purpose is to take care of the planet and the other life's upon it. Instead we are acting like a cancer infesting our only planet.

Big Tree 7/20/2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16th. 2012

Pride is something we all have to work on. Yes be proud of the accomplishments you helped others achieve, but give thanks and credit to those who help you.

I am in Johnson City, TN Medical Center trying to recover from heart attack number fourteen with the help of many good and kind people. In the next few hours they will decide if the are going to continue treating me here or ship me to Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville for further treatment. So I ask for your songs, smoke prayers. For right now I need them and my wife needs them even more. Thank you from a old tired man.

Big Tree 7/16/2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11th. 2012

Just returned from about six days in the hospital of which I remember nothing. A reminder that Creator/Great Mystery has his/her own way of ordering our lives. Sometimes it's a end, sometimes it's a new direction and sometimes it's just to say you need to rest and care for this body better.

Big Tree 7/11/2012