Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4th.2015

I started to write this last night to send out on the fourth. However Microsoft was so kind as to shut down my computer to install a update in the middle of what I was doing. I don't know why but the update took from 8:30 PM until 9.00 AM today and I still have not found what I was writing. I thought my computer was toast.

Elders Wisdom:

I have watched movies, read books and seen with my own eyes how war like, arrogant, and stupid the propaganda for war is. This has to stop.It's up to all of us to say no more. It's up to us to teach negotiation,  conflict resolution,  cooperation and waging of peace. We have to do it at the doorsteps of Congress,at the recruiters office at the gates of military bases and at the police stations across our land. It is even more important to begin teaching it in our parks, playgrounds and within our schools. To teach it in our church's and houses of worship. Above all to make it something to be used within our families, social institutions and neighborhoods. We have to develop literature teaching how to reach win win in all areas of life. Where are the playwrites and poets in this our greatest need? Who will write the songs to further our growing from a neighborhood bully for the world to a builder of trust and honor between nations? I am too old and tired to begin this process but hope someone younger and smarter will take my words and do something with them. Just think, a world without conflict,a world without hunger, strife, a world where we do not need standing armies or police because their is no fear or lack, that is what I was shown in my five trips to heaven or whatever you want to call it. I just say the other side.

Bob Smith (Big Tree) 7/4/2015

Friday, June 5, 2015


Just as a bundle of sticks is harder to break then a individual stick so are people who join for a common cause. Stand up to theft of land, theft of sacred places and theft of what you hold dear. Stand for peace, self determination and the next seven generations.

Big Tree 6/5/2015

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Elders wisdom 9/23/2014

How much do you know about your ancestors? How relevant is the words and actions of those ancestors and how do they relate to the world today? Does a life where we are part of nature no better then any other animal have any worth in modern society and if so how?  Does a life that looked back 11 generations and looked forward 11 generations have any meaning to you? How could you incorporate the wisdom from 11 generations ago into daily life and pass it on to the next 11 generations?

These are questions I can not answer for you, though I can give you some of the wisdom passed on to me. Let me know your answers and perhaps even help each other in developing answers for each other.

Big Tree (Bob Smith 9/23/2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Elders Wisdom 9/20/2014

Tonight is the sacred fire in preparation for the sunrise Earth Healing Ceremony. The Sacred fire is lit at sunset and from then until Midnight is used to take away the bad which has fallen on all of us during the last 3 months. From Midnight until dawn, the fire is given our hopes and dreams for the next three months.

Big Tree 9/20/2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Elders Wisdom 9/14/2014Elders Wisdom 9/14/2014

Elders Wisdom 9/14/2014

Only by working together for common goals may we change the World. Only by sharing our dreams for the next seven generations may we build the world that we dream of. Remember each of has only a part of the dream so talk to others about your dream and incorporate the portions of the dreams they have into your's.

Big Tree 9/14/14

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Elders Wisdom 9/11/2014

You wish to provide for yourself in times of scarcity? First learn to hunt, for the game including rabbits and groundhog will fill you. Then learn what wild plants are good to eat near your home, they will fill your belly even better. Tyhen learn what wild plants nearby can be used as medicine and how to use them. In that way you will be stronger, better fed and healthier then you are today.

Big Tree 9/11/2014

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Elders Wisdom Sep. 7th. 2014

I Am A Peacemaker

I seek to resolve conflict. I seek to end wars. I work to end discrimination. Above all I value peace and

good will among humankind. I place my self between the warriors. I speak for those who have no

voice. I stand for the rights of all living things. Above all else I serve to bring both outer and inner

peace to everyone I meet.

It was said “blessed be the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”

I would rather be called some one who cares.

Big Tree 9/7/2014